Well, I went into that castle as a 'potential', and came out wearing an official name tag, having been warmly welcomed and introduced to many other volunteers, and also to the staff room and biscuit tins, filled with just the dull, plain biscuits (Rich Tea, digestives, Nice, and so on) that I prefer.
I start next week, buddied up with an experienced volunteer, on "Peri" - as in peripatetic, which in every other National Trust property is known more simply as "tea break cover". This means I will get to spend 15 minutes in every room, although thankfully I won't be expected to know much about each.
However, I do now know something about the wonderful 17th Century ceiling in the dining room and where the little figure of the hunter (looking suspiciously like a cherub) with his bow, and the deer (complete with arrow) are positioned. Oh, and the exact spot in another room that people feel is haunted. And no, I'm not telling.....
I think this is going to be fun. So far, I have elected to attend one morning a week, and have just realised that I have double-booked myself with my yoga class and must rectify this immediately. I would not like to be the person compiling the volunteer rota.....