Friday 11 June 2010

Grooming day trauma

Need to snuggle in with you, Teddy, after my ordeal.

The nail trimming was the worst bit. I cried and fought, so some of my nails didn't get cut.

Lucky Teddies don't have nails, just lovely soft squishy paws.

Wish I was a teddy.....


Rattling On said...

I bought a nail clipper for the old labrador. Very easy to use, but...can only do one a day due to the palaver. You'd think I was trying to BBQ her.

"Sunshine" said...

How I love this post. And of course I love Yorkies since we are the proud owners of our own little Yorkie, Maddee..
They truly are a delight.
How sweet that she had her own comforting friend after her bath.

mountainear said...

Something from the deep, deep recesses of my memory makes me think nail cutting (and toe nail cutting in particular) was a frightening event. I really do remember it as horrific and howling until the unkind parent stopped.

The dog and I could start a victim support group perhaps?

Von said...

Definitely needed, support group for those who hate nail cutting! poor baby!
We have the worming stuff on the paws and the key-hole crutch to do this w/e.Goody!!

Anonymous said...

Poor darling, it's a good thing Teddy is there for you!

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Not an enviable task to trim dogs in any department! Bears are much more co-operative I find!

June said...

Poor wee little mite!
I'm so glad Teddy's there for comfort. :-(

Catherine said...

mwaaa...poor sweet wee pup! Such an ordeal. Hopefully you are feeling much better this evening! So glad teddy was there to ease your stress! :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Yes , I have days when I wish I were a teddy too . A stiff drink sometimes works .

Around My Kitchen Table said...

I tried to clip my cat's claws they had become too long. Bad idea. Very, very bad idea....

the veg artist said...

I just love how the dog loves her teddy. They are so cute together.

Susan said...

I love the teeny tiny dog. Please send our best wishes to her and we all hope she gets her post grooming mojo back toute suite. xo S & les Gang

Anonymous said...

Your little dog is such a sweetie. I know the vein is quite close in dogs nails, so perhaps there's a bad experience there in the past. I think I'd be the same if I were a dog or cat. Even as a little child my parents would sneak in at night to try and cut my nails when I was asleep because of the carry-on, and there wasn't even a vein involved! Your little animals are such loveable characters.

BumbleVee said...

Aww.... poor sweet little Tosca...... hope she's feeling more herself soon...

silfert said...

Poor baby! If you were here, I'd loan you my soft squishy lap to cuddle on...

Sue said...

I remember the same palaver when we had our westie, Hamish. He used to hate it.

Pam said...

What you need is a nice cup of tea, Tosca. Or equivalent.

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