Saturday 19 February 2011

Tea for two, cake for one

This post has been removed by the author; I am concerned that its subject, now a young man, may not have the same version of events as I have. 'Truth' is subjective, after all, and although I know my truth of the story as I experienced it, I would not wish to cause distress or offence to him or his relatives by leaving it in this blog. So out of respect to him and the beliefs he holds, the account that prompted so many of you to respond has been deleted. 


Fran Hill said...

Sounds fabulous - it's great when you can just TALK to someone for that long and not notice the time.

Anonymous said...

Your original post made my cry - and now this one has made me laugh. Isn't it wonderful to meet young people who are full of life! Have fun teaching him to bake. Malcolm taught himself to cook when he was a student. He liked proper food too much to eat like a student! He used to cook Sunday dinners for his flatmates ..... and all these years later he still cooks them for the two of us.

the veg artist said...

This is just so good (not just the cake part!).

judy in ky said...

Such a rewarding relationship... for both of you. It's nice to hear.

Anonymous said...

Lovely. Just... lovely.

Marcheline said...

I am going to try very hard not to be disappointed in you for not reading the Harry Potter books for yourself.

And I am going to fail.

Pam said...

Oh, how lovely. I needed some lovely, too. Thank you for providing it.

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