Monday 26 September 2011

132 steps

Having just read Susan's post with accompanying glorious photos, I am inspired to go outside with my camera and take a picture of whatever is there in front of me when I've walked 132 steps. Anyone care to join in?

Post your photo any time this week. Maybe Jane could teach me how to do that clever linky thing, (or maybe she would do it instead because I am BUSY BUSY BUSY having fun with visitors and the like). But go on, do it; could be fun!

Meantime, here are some neglected and going-over flowers that I bought for £2 at Dunster Castle a week ago - before I cull them, I thought I should share the madness of them with you.

Flowers in the (dusty) house....


jabblog said...

I was expecting to see photos of whatever lies at the end of 132 steps - but the flowers are fun! I hate throwing flowers out and hang on to them until they're quite disgusting.

Anonymous said...

If you are anything like me, you keep flowers until they are as dead as a Dodo. I like the idea of 132 steps and I shall watch with interest. I suspect that one I visit Susan's and Jane's blogs that I will find further interesting things to read...hey ho.

flwrjane said...

a flower is a flower is a dahlia is a reason to link up and Parteeee with us.

Now I await for the 132 steps. And definitely do a Mr. Linky ( even tho I forgot to last night and am nor running around linking everybody up:)

xo Jane

judy in ky said...

I think I will try it, too. But I can't do the linky thing either.

LPC said...

My favorite part of flowers is their decay phase.

Lyn said...

what a fun idea!

Anonymous said...

I will try to remember to do it later in the week - tomorrow I won't be any firther than the garden, as It's the day for my house group. I keep my flowers until they fall to pieces

flowers on my table said...

Gorgeous colours. Linda x

Von said...

What fun, I'm in!!!

flwrjane said...

Did I not comment? I've been here like twice already.

Didn't you approve of my comment?

Love your decaying dahlias, remember when miss P. did a whole houseful of dead flowers?

You always make me smile.

Do the linky thing, I'll help.

xo jane

Lesley said...

I'm in so will put the picture up later. No doubt my neighbours will think I'm mad coutning steps, then forgetting, then retracing steps and recounting...I doubt very much I'll manage it first time!!

the fishermans cottage said...

There is something very lovely about your decaying flowers, wonderful textures x

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Awaiting a picture of what resides at the end of 132 step.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I love the drooping pink and yellow flower .... very Southern Belle after a couple of mint juleps too many .
Must go and investigate 132 steps .....

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