Monday 23 July 2012

Kiss me quick

Yesterday - oh joy! - a really warm, sunny day, set to last. Maybe my winter-white legs and feet could catch a few rays. The Gardener and I spent the afternoon at the seaside, having run Flossie into a deep, pleasurably-exhausted sleep after a long hilly walk in the morning. Our local beach bans dogs until October, and we assumed that the same ruling would apply to other holiday beaches.

Flossie dutifully obliged by settling into her basket with her teddy. That dog can sleep for Britain (and teddy never seems quite awake at the best of times...).

Although really on the Bristol Channel, with Wales looking very close across the water, Burnham on Sea and Weston-super-Mare have an authentic seaside-y feel.

The Burnham beach was almost empty.

Dogs are allowed, apparently. Sorry, Flossie.

But the Weston-super-Mare one was decidedly not empty. One end of the beach has desolate semi-derelict Birnbeck Pier, once thronged with visitors but now used only by the lifeboat; a sad sight.

This end of town was rather grim, and probably awaiting redevelopment.

We walked along towards the buzz of the Grand Pier, past dozing people. The Gardener took many pictures.

But the recently-refurnished Victorian Grand Pier and the long Promenade were another matter entirely: traditional, jolly, very British seaside activity everywhere.

And again, unlike where we live, dogs were permitted, and we found that we could have brought Flossie, who would have joined the young Dalmatian swimming joyfully in the Marine Lake - although, personally, I prefer to think of family beaches being dog-free during the summer.

The Marine Lake is reached and replenished by every tide.

Its small beach was popular, although Victorian visitors would have greatly outnumbered those we saw today.

We watched a fundraising event for the RNLI, and saw Minnie Mouse take her his head off to cool down.

The land train buzzed up and down. Fish and chips, candy floss, ice cream and doughnuts were everywhere. No Kiss Me Quick hats though - perhaps no longer a seaside prerequisite?

We resisted many things.....

We had coffee, and later an ice cream; we took many photographs and came home in time for Flossie's dinner. The Gardener is deeply tanned already, in that patchwork manner of people who work outdoors all the year round, but I was gratified to find that my winter pallor was noticeably lessened.

And the sunshine is forecast to last for the week; I feel browner and better at the very thought!


judy in ky said...

I'm so happy for you that you finally have some sunshine! It looks like you had a wonderful time; those are lovely photos, especially of the birds wheeling around. I wonder if the Gardener could also have a second title... the Photographer.

rachel said...

Indeed he could, Judy - he gardens for a living, but photography is his passion. I am learning so much from him as a result, and have the use of some wonderful cameras in the process. (These photos are all mine, though!)

Lucille said...

Such a lovely parallel weekend by the sea, soaking it all up ,but very stupidly managed to get burnt not brown as I forgot suncream.

Jen said...

It looks wonderful--just my kind of place!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blue skies - it is grey and raining here again .....

Noelle the dreamer said...

Flossie, you are precious! Never mind Mum left you home! You kept her little castle safe for her, right?
Lovely beach stroll Rachel! Both hubby and I enjoyed it and talked of days gone by...
Hugs to all,

Pam said...

Yes, it was lovely here too at the weekend. Now, however...

John said...

So glad to read the sun has come your way and you are making the best of it. Surprised that the beaches are not more popular. Where is everyone?

I wonder how many people have lost their keys on that amusement park ride! At first I thought it was a robot fetching sausages.

Anonymous said...

Wow now that's a beach!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow now that's a beach!!!


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Wonderfully spacious beaches ! But all the local businesses must be feeling the pinch .

Anonymous said...

A marine lake? no sea monsters? warm enough to swim in? And, RACHEL, are those DONKEYS on the beach? Don't you know that when you see donkeys you need to get a close up for me?

mountainear said...

Am loving seeing a part of the world I am not familiar with. How lucky you are to be within reach - but I guess you know that.

The Gardener has what we would describe as a 'Farmer's Tan' round here. I have one too. It is not really a good look. Well, the tanned bits are but in my case the wobbly white bits In between leave a lot to be desired. TMI?

Marianne said...

what a lovely day. Next time, take Flossie up Brean Down where she can run and run and the views are to die for. and you get Burnham sands and an ice creeam thrown in!

Anonymous said...

My grandparents retired to Weston-Super-Mare and we had many holidays there. Shame the Birnbeck end is looking so run down, but the Grand Pier looks much shinier! Oh, the memories! How many boats have my sister and I dug out on that beach?!

Thanks for the nostalgia.


flwrjane said...

Yay! Sunshine and beaches and a wonderful picture of Flossie looking strangely like Nika.

Summer: get it while you can!

xo jane

Rattling On said...

It was a scorcher here yesterday (29C!!) but misty today. Oh well.
I agree about dogs on beaches, even as a dog owner. Lots of people aren't so keen and the beach is for everyone. Maybe there should be a zone time like free parking for residents here? Before 10 and after 4?

Marcheline said...

One of my favorite holiday quotes of all time: "WE RESISTED MANY THINGS"

Hahahahahhaahahhhhh! I don't think I've ever said that in my life...

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

I love the classic British holiday resort! We have a great one up here too in Llandudno, pier and all. There is something wonderful about looking down at the water through the boards of a pier!

love those cupcakes said...

Sea, sand, donkey rides, bumper cars, candy floss, perfect.

Our local beach has a May to October designated area for dogs. Boo approves.

BumbleVee said...

we're in the middle of a heat wave of a few weeks... up to +29C again today and I'm supposed to golf today.... a wet towel around my neck will help a bit ...but, honestly... it is just too hot to bother stomping around 18 holes at that heat....

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