This was 2 days ago; Lottie was still unsure about Millie - was she food? Would anyone notice if she was quietly 'disappeared'? Would the death stare work?
Things have moved on since then, and I am hiding; typing this with the door firmly closed to keep out 2 cats who are sort of playing, although rampaging is a better term, in a way that is sometimes not quite kitten-friendly. The kitten seems undaunted by the occasional over-vigorous swipe, and charges on, ON! up, over, under, through. It's fun to watch, and just a bit alarming too. The furniture won't ever be the same again.
But, suddenly, this will happen:
i love the death stare!
funny, when we introduced riley and boscoe oh so many years ago (seven years ago this month), boscoe was thrilled that we'd gotten a puppy. riley, the newcomer, screamed, hid behind my legs, and made it abundantly clear that he wanted us to get rid of boscoe and make room for him.
it took a little while....
Yes, the death stare photo is great, it makes me laugh out loud each time I look at it!
I take it Minnie was not too impressed?
Sorry, I meant Millie!
Nothing seems to deter Millie; she is wearing down Lottie's defences with a mixture of bumptiousness, fearlessness, a pressing need for a playmate, and a very useful ability to get out of trouble at high speed. The Lottie Death Stare is being replaced by a look of resignation and an occasional burst of kittenish behaviour too. Great fun! It's only a matter of time before Lottie realises that the interloper is really her very own cat toy, and might even become a beloved companion. I live in hope...
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