So much to choose from, at this waiting, longing, breath-holding time of year
(Edit: photos from the archives; the reality here today is that it's as dreary and un-Springlike as everywhere else)
(Edit: photos from the archives; the reality here today is that it's as dreary and un-Springlike as everywhere else)
you can just give up....
and hide
brooding on the futility of life
you can wallow, and sigh a lot....
drink too much tea
eat too much cake
watch too much tv....
look out of the window for hours
sleep some more
till you're almost comatose
...but one day, it's time to wake up again
get everyone else out of bed
learn a new dance
get ready for Easter

oops, a bit too ready!
practise your wrestling
play with your toys
go and look at the sea
and the countryside
feel filled with hope....
observe the signs
until..... at last.....
it's Spring! and it will be glorious!
What a great photo story! It gives me a bit of hope, now that Mother Nature is having her joke and sending us more snow...
I just love, love, love this post, especially the dancing and wrestling kitties and the chicken preparing for Easter! Those pretty eggs look so delectable, that I don't know how I'm going to avoid a visit to the corner shop this evening. Your blog always makes me laugh out loud.
What a fun post Rachel..... laughed at the "chicken dance" ...... lucky you already thinking spring..... it'll be a while yet for me...... but, the sun is shining....and I enjoy sitting in the kitchen in the sunbeams.... finishing up a bear or a dolly.... but, I do think I need some entertainers....
Well, this afternoon I didn't have the heating on and actually had the window open! Positively tropical, it was!
Great post. But do you really think it's possible to eat too much cake?
That was lovely....smashing photos of the cats. Made me smile after a boring day at work!
That was great fun. I agree with 'love those cupcakes' though - I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 'too much cake'. It's not a phrase I'm used to.
Agreed, a very heart lifting post. Along with the banner photo, it really made me look for similar signs of spring. As I squelched out to stock up the bird-table, I did see a few daffodil buds amongst the truncated clumps of leaves, but although I searched high and low, unhappily I found no easter eggs anywhere in the house. Your cats have greater magic powers than mine. OllieV
It all looks just perfect to me - and you've got flowers in bloom! Are you doing B&B any time soon?
Still featuring a lot of chocolate, I see. Looking forward to Easter for a reason, are we?
Please tell the dog that the photos of her with her teddy are amongst my favourites of all on the site, and I love the cheerful banner photo too. I have my 'desktop background' set to my garden at its sunny best - just to remind me that this winter will eventually pass.
You are a hoot. That picture of Scooter on his furry hammock thing is priceless.
Can you promise that spring will come? You don't think that we've just segued right past into autumn again?
Beautifully put! & which sea would that be by the way?
That was brilliant Rachel!
Excellent - loved the flowers - crocus and little daffodils already. Lucky you.
OMG (as they say in text-speak) some people think I've got a private route into Spring before anybody else! No, no, it's all as dreary here as it is for you - these are photos from my archives.....
I feel really bad for not having said that before. I shall go and add something to the post now, in case more folk think Bacteria Gardens has its own microclimate....
This was a delight! I'm still stuck in the slothful stage of longing, though . . .
I have spotted a few daffodils, trying desperately to emerge, but the incessant rain has been battening them down.
What great images. Spring certainly seems to hae sprung where you are!
For the interested: the beach picture was taken at Low Newton-by-the-Sea, near Alnwick, Northumberland, and the next was of Alnmouth, seen from the road. The countryside one is of a tree obscuring the view to the Cheviots, taken after a fascinating visit to see the wild cattle at Chillingham Castle. Oh, we know how to get wet and/or muddy here up North!
They are so cute! I am with Miss Moppet! I'm hiding until spring comes.
This has brought some much needed warmth into my day--just lovely!!
You may need to put this post on an ever-repeating loop until it mirrors what's outside, but I can assure you it cheered me up no end.
(PS love the new hair photo, can I borrow your stylist?)
Wonderful! I especially loved Scooter's very undignified pose, and the dog with her toy.
what an amazing pot. Fantastic photos ... as usual
Thank you! That's cheered me up no end! March tomorrow, spring must come soon? Please? Penny x (Planet Penny)
Squelching but chuckling. Many thank yous. P.S A mouse has just strolled past us as we ate Sunday lunch please could you ask your cats to send out killer vibes.
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