Thursday 11 November 2010



Gwen Buchanan said...

a beautiful Poppy shot.. so delicate and such a symbol

jabblog said...


"Sunshine" said...

It took my breath away..................

flwrjane said...

Thank you for remembering. As a military brat I take this day to heart. And i heart you for this post.

xo Jane

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Did you see Fergal Keane's marvellous documentary , containing footage taken from an airship , flying over the Somme in 1918 , showing the devastion and endless trenches ?
(on BBC this week)

Bee said...

At my daughter's school, they read out poems and tributes to all of "the old boys" who died in the two great wars. It never fails to choke me up.

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