Friday 29 July 2011

Bulletin from a new life

We're here. We love it.

Oh, you want more? Ok then....

As I'm on Lizzie's computer, no chance of photos yet, although there are many, but I'll post them later, so that you can love it too. Meantime, here are the bare bones of a most eventful week:

Moving day (Monday): Lottie in puppy crate with the two boys, Scooter occasionally giving a little "Mew!" but otherwise everyone quiet and calm. Millie in a solo carrier, as her ferocious growling indicated a horror of being bundled in with the others. Flossie a bit cramped on a single back seat with a harness, Tosca on my knee on a beanbag. The car stuffed to the roof with what would be needed for the journey, that night and the day to follow before the removals wagon would arrive.

Somewhere in there was a plastic box containing a lamb tagine and cous cous made by friend Lynn for our dinner that night, a saucepan, plates and cutlery. Except that the dinner seems to have been packed inside something else by mistake and put on the wagon: it hasn't appeared yet, so may have to be searched for by sniffer dogs trained in detecting toxic waste.

Arrival : a slow journey, in hot sunshine, with several stops. Reached the cottage after 8-and-a-half hours of travel. Thank goodness for M&S at motorway services. The animals behaved perfectly; no bodily functions in evidence at all. Cats decanted into utility area for the night, Hamish leaping up onto a beam and declaring that he would never come down again. Until his dinner appeared. I forget what we had for dinner, but it wasn't lamb tagine.

The Lovely Son was under orders not to tell me if he hated the cottage. But he loved it from the moment he walked in, and said that it immediately felt like home. Cards were waiting, including from some of you - thank you!

Tuesday: The removals men arrived, after long slow diversion off closed motorway. Unloaded enormous van in narrow road, in hot sunshine; everyone now knows me and what my worldy goods consist of. Cats remained locked in utility, dogs helped the removals men. Neighbours were friendly and welcoming, and no one complained audibly about having to negotiate driving round a huge wagon obstructing the highway. Amazing and impressive to watch the wagon being reversed adeptly down the road and round the corner at the end of the day; people came out of the pub to watch.

Wednesday: Day of the Good Fairies. I was expecting friend Lynn, who had booked a day return flight and car hire to see the cottage for the first time, and to help me unpack. Tearful greetings and welcome ensued. Two minutes later, the doorknocker sounded, and there stood Sandra, secretly travelling with Lynn. Underslept and overwhelmed, I wept all over her. Two minutes later.... there was Annie. The three Good Fairies had arrived with flowers, plants, lunch, and the declared intention of doing as much work as they could manage in the time before getting their flight home that evening. The Lovely Son (who had known of the 3GFs' plot) had to get the bus and train home, but the 3GFs sorted the kitchen cupboards, watered the garden, served and ate lunch, and later we all trooped off in hot sunshine to lovely Dunster for a cream tea. An amazing day, and a wonderful start to my new life, surrounded by love, support and help from dear friends.

Thursday: Boxes. Boxes. Boxes. Walks with Lizzie, who is a tower of strength and support. Found the towels. Didn't find the lamb tagine.

Friday: Two new-laid eggs from my neighbour's chickens. Yet more lovely cards in the post. Found my computer, although I'm not online yet. We will exchange and complete on the house today, and I won't need to be a non-rent-paying tenant in the cottage any longer (thank you, lovely Lady Vendor!) The flying freehold issue remains a mystery, but I won't bore you with the details.

More in due course. I am never moving house again

I must get on.... The Search For The Lamb Tagine: my life's work.


Susan said...

Hooray !!!!! We all are jumping up & down with GLEEE ...EEEEEEEEEE happy day we can sleep again and stop biting nails & claws xoxoxo les Gang

Desiree said...

Great, I've been thinking about you all week. Lovely to hear the good news.

Pam said...

Oooh, good. Sounds fab so far (and I don't usually use the word "fab".

Now, I wonder how we could meet up again. What's half way between Somerset and Edinburgh? Maybe Newcastle...

(Joking.) Hope you find the tangine (whatever that is) and hope you unlock the cats at some point.

flwrjane said...

Tears sprang to my eyes on reading the day of the good fairies.

So happy all is going so well and that you are so loved by all.

Off to work, still teary.

Big hug to you and all. Um, what's that funny smell??

xoxo Jane

the veg artist said...

It sounds as if it has gone really well, with all credit to LS and the 3GFs. Looking forward to photos of cottage and of the team, settling in!
(Does the blog get re-named 'slower lane life' now?)

Alicia said...

I am SO glad everyone arrived well and safe! I worried about you all week long.. I probably checked your blog 50 times!

One favor though.. when you find that Lamp Tangine, I'm thinking we don't really need a picture of it. Close your eyes and toss it in the trash! Yick!

Hazel said...

Have been waiting for this post all week, Rachel! Am delighted that you are in safe and sound - hope cats/dogs equally delighted with new surroundings!

Anonymous said...

Hurray for understanding neighbours and Good Fairies! I've been thinking about you all week and hoping that all went well. It's such a relief that there were no major incidents or inconveniences (apart from the disappearing tagine)!

Jinksy said...

I do hope you find it soon - although if weather remains hot, your nose may eventually lead you to it, without help from a sniffer dog! Good luck in your new home! ♥

John said...

So glad to read in your long-awaited post that all went well, including the pet transportation. It's been pins and needles here! So Lottie kept the boy cats in line and quiet during the move. And, like all good and even tame cats, Hamish is gastronomically motivated. What great friends you have to help with unpacking, settling, and the transition.

Arthur Ransome said...

Yes! Oh how marvellous it is to hear that All's Well in Tobias Cottage! Apart from the lamb tagine - it must have been very securely packed somewhere - I'd have thought it would be making its presence felt by now!
So glad the animals coped with the journey. How on earth did you get 3 into one puppy crate, I'm totally impressed by that. And how lovely to have 3 good fairies. I await the photos with baited (bated?) breath although the mere fact that your utility area boasts a beam for Hamish paints its own picture of rural charm. Love - Arthurxxx

judy in ky said...

Oh, how wonderful! I am so happy to hear that everyone made it there safely. I've been checking in every day, hoping to hear from you. So wonderful how your friends were all there. I wonder if the movers might have made away with the lamb tagine. I hope you find your friend's cutlery, etc. though.

Mary Ann Tate said...

So glad you made without any mishaps...except for the Lamb Tagine. Maybe Flossie could find it? You sound very happy:)

Connie in Hartwood said...

How wonderful it is to hear that your move is going so well!!!

Mac n' Janet said...

So happy for you and all the critters, can't wait to see photos.

Dragonfly Dreams said...

It is so wonderful to hear you are finally "home!" Many warm wishes for your settling in!

Lucille said...

Brilliant! Fantastic! The radio silence (although absolutely understood) was nerve-wracking. Will now wait patiently for pictures and stories of country life. Happy Days.

Rose H (UK) said...

Dear Rachel, I wish you and your dear furries luck, love, contentment and happiness in your new home! I've read this post with tears in my lovely to be surrounded by caring friends and your lovely son.
Rose H

Debbie said...

Best wishes for a lovely life in your new home. Can't wait to see some piccies!

MLou said...

Hooray for you and hooray for girlfriends. Sounds like a wonderful soft landing after months on flying on empty.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I'm delighted that you're so delighted with life .
It all sounds wonderful and , given such a happy start , can only get better and better . Well done !!
(Tagine got left on Newcastle garden wall and has already been polished off by some student neighbours who reckoned that it looked too good to waste ?)

Anonymous said...

Glad you are having a prompt return to house ownership, after your brief flirtation with renting!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you made it, and what lovely, lovely GFs you have. I'm glad to hear the animals were not too stressed, and that you are getting settled in. Looking forward to the photos. Julie

annie hoff said...

Excellent....Well Done and make it all sound so easy...!!

alice c said...

Well...that's a relief...I can breath again after holding my breath for the past month. Wishing you plenty of sunshine and just enough rain in your new home.

Frances said...

Great to hear from you again......I have been checking all week!! So pleased that the move went well ( apart from the lamb of course!) Looking forward to lots of photos of the house, and surrounding area. Hope the cats settle in quickly...I expect the dogs are happy to be wherever you are . X

Anonymous said...

Finally!!! so glad to see your post. I've been looking for it every day this week. Can't wait for photos and Mr. Hamish's adjustment narrative.

Dartford Warbler said...

Wonderful to hear from you and I`m so pleased the move went well! I have been thinking of you and hoping that cats and dogs travelled safely.

Your Good Fairies are fantastic friends.

Best of luck with the rest of the unpacking and for the rest of your life in your new home!

Marianne said...

Welcome home! If you're close to Dunster you're in a good place. I know and love those hills.

Noelle the dreamer said...

Hip, Hip Hoorah!So happy everything went well Rachael and that you had such a great support!
Never moving again?...Hum...I remember saying that also...
Hoping you found the Lamb Tangine!
Hugs to all your furry loved ones and may God be with you always (and forgive me for being just a tad envious...Somerset was our dream until the Pet scheme refused us access without quarantine...I could not part with my furry friends even for 6 months!)

Bee said...

I'm so happy for you!
At long last . . . it's happening. Thanks for sharing some of the details. (I especially enjoyed the arrival of your 3GFs and the moving van.)

A Heron's View said...

Many, many congratulations on completing the sale and in moving to your new home, where I trust that you will be exceedingly happy and prove to be a great addition to the Exmooronians (invented word!).

This is truly the best news I have read for a long time.

Anonymous said...

How lovely that your friends came to help out and LS, too. I'm sure you'll be fully settled in very soon and I hope you find the lamb tagine before too long, the flavours should be well developed by now.

When will the cats be let out of the utility room?

KitKatCot said...

So glad you've moved Ok. I've been holding my breath for a week now.......breathing out now you're safe. I've been lurking here now for years, but I had to 'come out' and wish you all the best for your future.

Best wishes from the NE

jabblog said...

What lovely friends you have. Hope the Lamb Tagine turns up soon - no doubt it will make its presence known soon, particularly if the sun continues to beat down:-)

June said...

I don't know what Lamb Tagine is, but I bet the scent will help you find it. Eventually.
I love "removals wagon" as the alternative to the American "moving van." Removals wagon sounds like a wood-plank-sided cart with two big wheels, hauled by Percherons.

Planet Penny said...

What lovely friends! I'm so glad you are there at last, it's been a long haul. Many good wishes for you new life, I look forward to reading all about it, and seeing the photos! It was a lovely post to read, thanks, Penny x

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Rachel.This is so exciting and I can't wait for the photos. What a great support team - just what every underslept and overwhelmed person needs. Congratulations on your move.

Ginnie said...

Hurray for you (and your great cast of supporters)! Can't wait for pictures.

BumbleVee said...

Just home from my sister's and so glad to hear all went smoothly...well, except losing the lamb....
congrats on the new place...

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