Wednesday 2 November 2011


It's Millie's birthday today. The only one of the menagerie whose date of birth is known.

The naughtiest kitten ever is growing up. Still adventurous and sociable, but no longer the whirling dervish getting into everything everywhere.

From the Prosecution's evidence file archives:

Thank goodness.

Happy 3rd Birthday, lovely girl. Whiskas cake fish Philadelphia cheese* later.

* such a fussy eater, but she knows what she likes!


sarah said...

Happy Birthday Millie.I have just been taking some very simular photos of our newest arrival Tiger the 4 month old kitten whos owner couldnt take her with her when she moved as no cats allowed in the new house so she said "i will just leave her someone will feed her"!!So muggings me now has 6 cats!

Danielle P. said...

Happy birthday, dear Millie! What an adorable baby you were, and what a beautiful young lady you've turned into!

(Those archive photos remind me of a certain ginger cat who, although he recently turned 5, is still very much a naughty kitten.)

chasing lightning bugs said...

happy birthday, miss millie....what a curious little creature you are.

Desiree said...

Many happy returns, the photo's really made my day.

June said...

What a cute little kitten, and still a kitten!
Quite a lot like ferrets, kittens.

Anonymous said...

For the defence: never "knowingly" naughty, just a very fortunate feline with an inherent sense of adventure, loved and protected from the tiny kittenhood, (you and Lottie were always there for her. Dear, patient Lottie, who was not as fortunate before she came to you.)

Who am I kidding, she has an amazing zest for life and adventure, with a curiosity that knows no bounds; a rule-breaker, a rebel, a cause of grey hair! Happy 3rd birthday Millie xxx OllieV

Annie said...

Happy Birthday Millie!

the veg artist said...

Happy Birthday Millie - and to the rest of you, who, birthdates unknown, also need to celebrate, so why not today?

flwrjane said...

Happy Birthday Millie, now come out of that closet!

xo Jane

Arthur Ransome said...

We're all singing Happy Birthday here. What wonderful photos. The curled up sleeping one is just soooooo sweet. Millie is almost exactly the same age as my Sam and Tuppence - the autumn of 08 was obviously a good vintage.

Lucille said...

Happy Birthday Millie. I enjoyed looking through the baby photos.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Millie! I wish Joe weren't allergic to cats! I miss them.

John said...

Millie the Mackerel Wanderer, Happy Third Birthday, and many more to come.

Rattling On said...

Hope Millie has a purrfect (groan) birthday. Picture No8 would make a great greetings card...

Susan said...


M.Milie with the black nose
Amazing photos !! She is soooo beautiful
much love xox your betrothed
handsome, handsome Oliver

Rose H (UK) said...

Happy birthday Millie! What an adventurous kitten you were :o) and what a lovely puss you are!

Mary ,East Coventry USA said...

Happy Birthday Millie! My own stripey boy Max sits here with me as I type- almost Millie's twin as the last photo pose is the view I have of him now. Sweet kitties. Enjoy the day.

Noelle the dreamer said...

Wishing a 'purrfect' birthday to Millie and by the by, the picture of her sleeping all curled up is priceless!
(Must ask question: do you actually have your camera around you neck all the time? I always miss the best shots!)
Have a wonderful day everyone!

Anonymous said...

Isn't she just gorgeous? Happy birthday Millie!

judy in ky said...

Happy Birthday, Millie. We love your photos!

Bee said...

The prosecution's evidence gave me a proper good chuckle. Our naughty cat (going on 6) is starting to mellow as well. Sadly, my daughter (usually at boarding school) has developed a fierce allergy to him! Much moaning about the cat at half-term (just finished).

Hope all is well with you. I'm sorry that I've been so absent. xx

Marcheline said...

I want to eat her up! NOM NOM NOMMMMMMMM!!! Cuteness overload!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Millie!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday , Millie !
Purrs from your french admirer Balthazar .

zephyr said...

Happy Birthday little scamp!! What a cutie!

BumbleVee said...

whew! ... and thank goodness...

Happy Day Miss Millie!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

She's like one of those fearless women explorers of the Victorian era .... "Don't be ridiculous ! Of course I can do it !" , tossing her cape over her shoulder and disappearing into the Dark Unknown .
Happy Birthday , Millie !!

MTVA said...

Happy Birthday, Adorable Millie!

Pam said...

Oh, Happy Birthday Miss Millie and many happy returns.

Maggie Christie said...

Happy birthday Millie. What an absolute star of a feline you are. Brilliant set of pictures - especially the one in the cupboard.

lethe said...

Happy belated birthday Millie!

Marie said...

Happy birthday, Millie!

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