Monday 5 March 2012


Yesterday to the Spring Fair held in Dunster's beautiful mediaeval tithe barn. We bought gingerbread and Easter biscuits.

We thought later on that we might walk the calories off in advance. You know how that particular thinking goes....

Tricia tried to get both dogs to sit reasonably close together for their portrait.

Not entirely successfully.

Flossie seemed unsure as to which was her best side.

Tosca seemed keen to get off the bench.

So we gave up, and let Flossie have her newly-found ball back.

And continued on our climb.

Then home for a farewell cream tea: strawberry jam, clotted cream, homemade scones straight from the oven. The bought cakes and biscuits didn't quite make the grade (or maybe the scones were a little too more-ish).

No photos from today's trip - no time, as the roadworks two miles from the railway station put paid to any leisurely farewells on a freezing platform. Instead, a mad dash for the lift for Tricia lugging case and bags, with moments to spare.

Meanwhile, I got a ticket from the parking machine and raced up the stairs, to find her standing by the train, its doors open. We had just enough time to give a hug and a wave before she disappeared off to the North East on the final leg of her 7-month grand retirement tour. Probably best that we parted in haste: saved us from much sniffling and eye-wiping.

She still has much to do; farewells to family and friends up North, a trip to Paris, and a flight from Newcastle to Sydney and her Canberra home in two weeks' time.

She's going to miss Somerset. We're going to miss her. Sniffle.


flwrjane said...

Big hug.

xo Jane

the veg artist said...

Tell her we need her to start blogging too!

Desiree said...

Oh, you've brought a tear in my eyes. Parting is always sad. Hugs from me too!!

Anonymous said...

Railway Children!! Waving goodbye to friends is the hardest - especially when THEY'RE the ones leaving!!!
But you have Somerset waiting for your next guest, right?

Anonymous said...

Oh!! and that portrait of Flossie with the ball is the best!

Rattling On said...

Sign of true friends that you're sad to part, rather than the relief when some rellies go home.
Will you be doing the return journey ever?

annie hoff said...

Flossie had a problem finding her best side, because all her sides are the best - obviously..!
Your scones look wonderful, and your sister will come again..

littlemancat said...

First I laughed- the pictures of the attempt to photograph the dogs together was too funny! Then I felt sad - it's a hard thing to part with a dear friend.
Take care,

Arthur Ransome said...

Lovely photos, as ever. I hope you're not too sad tonight.

Arthur Ransome said...

Lovely photos, as ever. I hope you're not too sad tonight.

Anonymous said...

Oh much better to have little time for farewells, too much tugging of the heart strings otherwise. You'll just have to sift through the memories and bask in the warmth of friendship now.

Beautiful pictures by the way, Dunster is lovely isn't it?

Noelle the dreamer said...

Oh thank you for sharing Rachel! Looking good Flossie!! Oh Tosca, you looking a tad green Sweetheart...I hate heights myself!
It sounds like you had a marvelous time!
Blessings to all,

jabblog said...

Swift farewells are by far the best. Beautiful tithe barn and your tea looked scrumptious.

judy in ky said...

The dogs always make me smile, no matter which side they are showing.

molly said...

I think I'm in love with your Flossie! Each side looks like her best side to me....mbetende ovouster

Maggie Christie said...

Aw Tosca's little face says it all! Both sides are equally best, Flossie. A sad parting shows how much fun was had and station platforms are such dreadful places to part. Nothing tugs at the heart quite like the glide of a train taking someone away.

June said...

This post is just chock full of glorious images! Love that tithe barn and the baked goods have me salivating.
I agree that quick goodbyes are better . . . they don't taint the good visit with sadness.

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