Friday 11 May 2012

Not raining

Dusk. The quayside. The tide's in, but all is calm.

The Bristol Channel has the second highest tidal range in the world. Much has been debated about the great flood of 1607 that devastated this area - was it a tsunami? Could it happen again?

We peer through the windows of the lifeboat shed. One of my neighbours has been the helmsman of this boat for almost 20 years.

We wander until darkness falls, and it's time to go home.


Mary Ann Tate said...

Looks lovely:)

I was trying to remember if I've been to Bristol. I was a tourist in the area about 30+ years ago and we did a lot of touring about by car. It looks familiar. I apparently have a long lost cousin who used to live there. He's still lost...LOL

hasenschneck said...

Lovely photographs, especially the later ones where it's almost dark.

Anonymous said...

Such interesting photos, Rachel. Love the low light, old and rusted railings...the old boat. Treat!

Gwen Buchanan said...

I am enjoying your happy new life.

Ginnie said...

(Sigh) You sure know how to pick a beautiful place to live.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Beautiful colours and so much space ....
And not a Laughing Policeman to be seen .

Rattling On said...

How lovely to live by the coast. Especially on evenings like that!

Gretel said...

Ooh I just read your post below, how did I miss this? Am so very pleased that your initial moving has provided unintended fruit, bet you didn't expect THAT to happen when you began making your plans a few years ago! :)

Arthur Ransome said...

Lovely pictures, especially the ones with the lights coming on - very evocative of summer evenings. Just wish there was an actual summer, moan, moan.

the veg artist said...

That looks like a lovely outing! We went to the beach today, and there was a black lab,very enthusiastically fetching whatever his person threw into the water. Thought of you and Flossie!

Pam said...

Very lovely. Your life sounds blissful. I'm so glad.

Marcheline said...

I love photos where you can smell the air just by looking at them... and the wonky steps down to the water - oooooooh! Perfect!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely images. And the mental images conjured up of you and the companion taking that walk together.

Jen said...

I love working harbors and waterfront towns. Your pictures want to make me visit. The description of that flood was terrifying.

Dragonfly Dreams said...

I am thinking your "friend" is a very lucky man indeed! Beautiful pictures!

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