Monday 2 July 2012

Farewell to Tosca...

...who gave up the fight this morning.

She was in a sad and sorry state over the weekend, and today a gentle young vet eased her out of her now-limited life, where old age, pain and infirmity could not be halted.

The Lovely Son came with Tosca and I, and wept; she had lived with me for more than ten years. We thought about the link to my mother and to all the street aunties in Newcastle who loved her.

We will think of her as she was when young and lively, and, most of all, of her faithful watching at the window for our return.

She was buried by The Gardener this afternoon, along with a few little flowers, including one from a shrub that originated in my mother's garden all those years ago.

She now lies at the top of my garden here, surrounded by roses and hollyhocks.

Goodbye, little old dog. We won't forget you.


Anne said...

I'm so sorry. I always enjoyed seeing little Tosca on your blog. My thoughts are with you.

BumbleVee said...

Awww..... sweet little Tosca.... it made me cry to read this...but, at least she is not in I wish we could as much for our human friends and relatives.... I want my own vet.....

sending you a big hug


John said...

I am so sorry to read of your loss. Tosca had a long, happy, adventurous life with you. I'm glad your son was able to be with her, I remember she was so fond of him.

Danielle P. said...

I'm so sorry you've lost this dear, sweet, crotchety companion... Goodbye, Little Dog.

Lesley said...

Aaaah, tears for Tosca from Derbyshire. And a big hug for you too. She seemed like a very loving, curious and interested little dog and well able to cope with all the cats and the Big Dog latterly too. I imagine she will leave a surprisingly large gap for such a tiny creature.

Lesley xx

Madness and mayhem said...

Im so so sorry to hear your sad news.We had to do that terrible car journey a couple of years ago to the vet.
Thinking of you all.

Donatella said...

What a lovely tribute to Tosca. My thoughts are with you and your son.

Unknown said...

Oh Rachel, I am so sorry, I know she will be so very missed. Your post has brought tears to my eyes, it is so hard to say goodbye to the animals who share our lives. Tosca was rich and happy.

Rose H (UK) said...

So sorry to read that you have lost Tosca Rachel. She's had a happy and loving home and will continue to be with you in your heart.
RIP Tosca.
Rose H

June said...

Oh dear. I'm so sorry. Old and feeble small dogs carry on so well despite their infirmities that I think it takes special effort to help them to the next step. (The fact that they can be lifted up and moved around to where one thinks they'd like to be at any given moment aids in their longevity as well.)
It hurts so to see the eyes close for the last time, but it's a relief too . . . knowing the discomfort and difficulties are at an end.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I'm so sorry that Tosca has died . She always seemed a very stout little being and held her own till the end .

annie hoff said...

I'm sorry Rachel to hear the news. Poor little Tosca. But how she must have enjoyed the last ten years. A warm happy home and never a dull moment. I'm sure you'll miss her.

Lucille said...

Loved to see her flying across the lawn. Very moved.

Kathie said...

Darn! She was a funny little trouper and you took such sweet care of her... I maintain it's a blessing that we can help them at the end in a loving, peaceful way. Glad you had your loving boy with you... Sending my thoughts to you across the Atlantic.

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Oh, how I feel for you. Take comfort that she had a lovely, happy life with you.

Karen said...

But as I said to my vet as we put Miss Mouse down two weeks ago - I hope at the end someone loves me this much to ease my pain when the time comes.

And you loved Tosca that much . . .

Noelle the dreamer said...

Through your blog readers have learned to follow your little family's antics and Tosca had become a friend we will miss in your lively posts. So sorry to hear Rachel of your loss and hoping your broken heart will remember only the good times. Tosca is now playing amongst the daisies on the other side of the rainbow bridge...
Hugs to all, particularly Flossie who will miss dearly her little companion!

helen tilston said...

Hello Rachel

So sorry to hear of Tosca's death. What a beautiful place you have chosen to lay her to rest.
My prayers are with you.


Auntjune said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Tosca, I'm so sorry, Rachel! Such a sweet little mop. But seeing her bounding across the yard is such a nice reminder of the good, long life she had with someone who loved her greatly. Thank you so much for sharing her life with all of us, too.

Jillian said...

I'm so sorry for your loss Rachel. My thoughts, as well as those of Mom are with you.

Gwen Buchanan said...

RIP Little Tosca..

xo.sorcha.ox said...

It is always so hard to lose a beloved pet. They just seem to make life all the more wonderful when they're around.
Happy afterlife, Tosca.

Jen said...

I'm sorry. I know how hard that is.

dinahmow said...

As all yours readers say, Tosca was loved.
What more can any of us hope for?
Kind thoughts to all of you,Rachel.

Jayne said...

Oh Rachael how sorry I am to read this. Our pets give us so much love and joy its just sad that they are never with us long enough.
Have happy memories.

J x

lovethosecupcakes said...

Oh no. One of the hardest goodbyes but I'm so glad your lovely boy was with you. Take care.

Frances said...

I too am in tears reading that news. Pleased that you have your son and the gardener to help you through. I shall think of you when I walk my elderly friend's tiny yorkie,Gemma, who I have come to love. I send you a hug too.

Desiree said...

I'm fighting back the tears and my thoughts are with you. She was such a sweet dog!

mountainear said...

So sorry to read your news. x

the veg artist said...

This dear, feisty little dog will be missed by all her virutal aunties as well. She must have loved the last few years, with you at home all the time, especially in her new garden.
So, so sorry, but glad that LS was there with you.

judy in ky said...

I have tears in my eyes. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for her. I won't forget her either.

Anonymous said...

i'm so terribly sorry for your sad loss. i have a soft spot for terriers like Tosca. RIP little Tosca.

Susan said...

fly on tiny dog ... fly on.

I don't really no what else to say dear Team & Rach ... she was so sweet, such a personality she & the big dog & the crew of cats. You gave her such a bold, full life. So happy that the lovely son was there with you & she at the end. Much love from all of us at Black Street.

I absolutely adore that photo of her.

Anonymous said...

Rachel, there couldn't be a more wonderful photo of the spirit of Tosca than that first one! I'm having a good cry too. Thank you for sharing with all of us who have come to love your stories, your animals and you.

Karen Y. said...

I'm so sorry...we here in the blogosphere are going to miss her, too...

Catherine said...

It's just heartbreaking when much loved pets die. The only consolation is the joy they bring during their lives and the pleasure of sharing our lives with them. Bless

littlemancat said...

So so sorry about Tosca- tears here too. You gave her a lovely life and helped her when she needed to leave it. It is so hard, I know.
Thank you for sharing this as well as all your posts- your writing is beautiful, just right.

Doohie said...

I'm so sorry. xxx

zephyr said...

i am so very sorry.
these photos are so dear. Love those ears and little face in the window--and that flying leap in the sunshine.

Alicia said...

This makes me so sad.. sweet little Tosca. I've enjoyed stories about her for so long.

Anonymous said...

What a sad thing to read, I'm sure that you will remember all of the good things in time. Hugs.

Arthur Ransome said...

Dear Rachel, I'm so sorry. It's strange to love an animal I've never met, but because of your wonderful writing, I loved Tosca. My thoughts are with all of you.

walter and me said...

In tears here, I'm so's so hard when our beloved dogs head off to Rainbow Bridge. Run free, little Tosca. What a great life you had with your Mum.


kathe said...

I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved dog. We just love them so and they add so very much to our lives, we never do forget them and I hope they get that.

Floridagirl said...

I'm so sorry. She knew you loved her and you did what was best for her. I'm going to miss her in the posts. Thinking of you and the others.

The Wanderer said...

I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of Tosca.

RIP Tosca.

yoga teacher said...

I am so sorry. I hope Irving Townsend's words will comfort you, as they have me, so many times.
"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached...we still would live no other way." You all lived well in that circle.

hasenschneck said...

So sorry to hear this. x

jelli said...

Watery eyes here too... I have a Border Collie who is almost 16 and rheumatoid arthritis is getting the better of him. Dreading, dreading the day. My heartfelt condolences x

Marcheline said...

Sending hugs across the ocean. And indeed, we will not forget Tosca.

Anonymous said...

Another one in tears here. :(
I've only read your blog for a year or so but every photo I've seen of Tosca has been so poignant and expressive. Please don't take her out of the sidebar - at least not just yet...

Anonymous said...

Oh no. So sorry. My thoughts are with you. That's so sad. Tosca was lovely.

The Sea Garden said...

So sorry to hear about Tosca. Lots of love from the other side of the world.I LOVE the picture of her airborne!

Rattling On said...

Having recently lost my old friend it's hard to leave a comment. The best decisions are sometimes the most difficult as well. They leave such a big gap xx

Pam said...

Oh dear. So sorry. She was so sweet. (And long-suffering...!)

Kitty said...

So sorry for your loss.
The first picture is so joyful.
Farewell lovely Tosca.

mrspao said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Tosca was a beautiful dog and you clearly provided her with a wonderful home during her lifetime with you. I am sure she is just like a puppy again now - free of pain and frolicking. It is always so sad when our dear friends go but the pleasure they give us and we give them outweighs the sadness. I am thinking of you at this sad time.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss...our pets become family...and we miss them so when they have to go.

Gretel said...

Oh! Dear little Tosca - I don't think she could have had a better or happier home - or a final resting place. I think that top picture is probably where she is now - chasing ghost cats across a meadow.

rogern said...

don't forget her street uncles too, even the allergenic ones.

chasing lightning bugs said...

oh, i'm so sorry. losing a pet leaves such a hole. all the memories and love......

Dartford Warbler said...

I`m so sorry to hear that little Tosca has gone. What a wonderful time she had with you. Such a loss.xx

lethe said...

I'm reading this only now, so my belated condolences. Very sorry to hear this.

Annie Cholewa said...

I don't often comment here, and I'm late with this one. But I have so enjoyed reading about Tosca this last year, I always felt I knew her, you wrote about her so evocatively. Such sad news. Bless her paws, may she rest in peace among the roses and hollyhocks.

Unknown said...

Catching up with your blog again after a very sorry and I have tears in my eyes too.

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