Sunday 2 December 2012


I seem to have been struck dumb, blogwise.

My Picasa/Google/Blogger situation is such a mess, and while I know that many other people have had terrible problems with Picasa's multiple duplications of photos, sorting it out seems incredibly complicated. Advice is invariably so technical that I'm lost off before I get to paragraph 2 and feel defeated before I start.

Also, I can't find much to blog about, photos or no photos - does any one else feel like this? Is it the weather? The time of year? Or, as I suspect, the fact that my life is calm and happy, after those blogging years of turmoil and change, and provides little or no material to write/rage/angst about?

I'm toying with the idea of leaving Blogger entirely and starting a new blog, using Wordpress as encouraged by other bloggers who have done the same or have always used the latter only, but it seems like a mammoth change to make. Considerations include:

  • Staying put, and paying the monthly fee to Google for more photo space.
  • Migrating this blog onto Wordpress. There are dire warnings online about doing this.
  • Starting from scratch with a new blog.
  • Ditto the cats' blog. (Is this woman serious? I hear you ask)

Dither, dither. 

Tell me what you think.


alice c said...

If you move, we will follow but do you really need to? I don't use Picasa at all because I was concerned about privacy issues and so I am not sure what the problem is. I know that you have a much larger image size than me on your blog and so you have probably used up your free space allocation earlier than me but I have just paid to move to the first upgrade and I have huge amounts of unused space.It seems a shame to lose all the memories in this blog but on the other hand I have closed a blog and moved on and it was the right thing to do.

I think that the bigger problem is that you are happy. I blame the Gardener. It's time consuming being happy. Get over it. We, your adoring public, demand angst and uncertainty. Sell the cottage and move to the Industrial Wastelands and then you will have plenty to write about.

Rose H (UK) said...

Monthly fee to Google? I only paid a one off.
I know exactly what you mean about blog posts, I seem to be so busy with life and sorting out Mom and Daughter I struggle with what to write.
Picasa does my head in, I don't even go on there now as each time I've logged in it takes every photo I've uploaded off my lap-top and that's definitely NOT ON!
If you do move I'll follow...
Don't stress about it, just do what's right for you.
Rose H

John said...

As Alice wrote, all this happiness is becoming a problem. I would have thought all the rain would have led to more frequent posts. At this point, come Spring, we will never hear from you. Harumph!

Write when you can.

Anonymous said...

So, this from a woman who cleans out her purse by taking the important basics out, putting these in a new bag and hanging up the old bag, mess of papers , odds and ends, and start over, so my advice to start over may not sit as comfortably with someone more organized and better at problem solving.
I'll follow you regardless.

kathe said...

I have no technical advice, but please don't stop blogging. I will be very sad and I love reading a true love story.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Picasa is a total pain , I agree , though I expect every system involves frustration , headbanging and unseemly language . They're all designed by adolescent boys , after all .
Wherever you go , blog-wise , please leave some clues behind . I'd miss you !

Lucille said...

I've only had to upgrade once and got plenty of free space. No monthly fee. I don't use Picassa but uploading from iphoto isn't working as smoothly as it used to which is annoying me. I see I only posted six times in November which is a very sluggish contribution. Not sure why. Maybe because like you I am managing a transition but not able to step back far enough to write about it. Why not get The Gardener to be a guest contributor! He does need to bear some of the responsibility for your writing block.

jabblog said...

I think we're all happy you're happy:-)

I've considered moving to WordPress but decided to stay with what I know despite the fact that my husband complains about how poorly designed it is.

Keep us posted, please.

the veg artist said...

Just don't give up completely! As for the cats - they're just lazy!

Linda Metcalf said...

Whatever your decision...I will follow. Lead on!

colleen said...

I started blogging when I was working full time and never had any trouble finding stuff to photograph or write about. It unleashed something that had clearly been suppressed by work. Now I blog much less frequently even though I theoretically have more time and am conscious of not wanting to repeat myself. I find that setting myself a theme for a while- like the advent calendar - sparks me off again. That might not suit everyone. I think though the important thing is just to stay true to yourself - you have a very special "voice".

I'm not even going to think about Picasa. Gah!

judy in ky said...

If you leave this blog, please leave instructions on how to follow you. I don't want to lose my connection to you and your delightful animals.
I think Picasa has pulled a fast one on all of us, because we all started having this problem at once. One of those adolescent boys had a brainstorm on how to make a quick fortune. I wasn't even aware of Picasa; I keep all my photos on iPhone, and I guess Picasa confiscated them or something. I have hundreds on iPhoto and only a few show up on Picasa but in multiples. I have NO idea how to sort it out. I signed up for a monthly fee to skirt the problem, wasn't even given the choice of a one-time fee.

Anonymous said...

Don't stop Blogging.

Sue Grant

mountainear said...

I'm still indulging in a blogging 'gap year' but am toying with the idea of writing again. Tempted to try Wordpress too.

Not had the google problem with pictures . I found Picassa an extra layer of 'faffing' so continue to load via iPhoto via my desktop.

I for one am very glad you are happy. Happiness is surely more important than angsty blogging?

mountainear said...

Perhaps I should add that your blog, for me, is and has always been a fine read - 'angsty blogging' was perhaps not the right combination of words!

BumbleVee said...

I know it's not only the photos...but, when blogger told me I had run out of space...I began exporting my photos from Iphoto to another space on my computer ...and making them smaller in so doing. I used the Medium size and then from there took the photo to my post. Strangely then I could even delete the photos on the second page...and they are still on the blog.... which I suppose is because the actual photo is still on Iphoto. But... the smaller size helped right away.... never saw the notice again.

I did go to a couple of photo heavy posts and changed out the pics for the smaller size and now it seems there is more space .... or they have forgotten about me. But...they did say it was only $5 to get more space ...not a bad bargain I'd say.

I'll still check on you wherever you go .... well, not Facebook...I don't even want to associate with that ...too many people I know have had major problems with everything after even accepting "friendship" on that ..... I can't trust it now.....

Anonymous said...

I agree with Alice and John and I think Lucille has a good point when she suggests asking the Gardener to write. I'd follow you anywhere though...

Arthur Ransome said...

As long as you let us follow you!

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