Thursday 19 June 2008


And yuk. And eurgh-nearly-threw-up-there. Lesley's partner John was a manager of leisure centres until recently and was known by her as the Poo Master. Why? Because of the frequency of calls from staff at various centres to report poo found in the swimming pool. Yes, poo. Yes, frequent. No, maybe not all to be blamed on children. Remember that word: frequent.

There were more revolting details about protocol and processes for removal, but I won't go into that here; you might just have had your lunch. (But the pool doesn't always get closed and swimmers made to get out........)

The name for this appalling act is not pooing in the pool, or worse. It's called faecal release. Sounds better, doesn't it. No.

Isn't it far worse than petting or bombing?
Why aren't there signs to prohibit such a vile act? No Faecal Release Allowed. Offenders Will Be Fined and Have Their Noses Rubbed In It.

Now I can add to my many reasons for never wanting to go swimming ever again.


rogern said...

this used to happen in the swimming pool at my secondary school.

The pool would routinely be closed for a week while it was drained and scrubbed and refilled again, during which time we, the pupils, had to endure more non-swimming related sports activities and were sometimes made to get changed on the playing fields (I'm sure there is a law against that, or perhaps my teachers though it character-building!).

In retrospect, I wonder whether it wasn't the "technicians" who used to look after the pool who fouled the waters to give them a light workload!

either way, ewww!

mountainear said...

Definitely yuck! I've not swum in a public pool since encountering a large 'poo' washing around the shallow end while I was enjoying a watery day out with my children. We got out immediately (well you would wouldn't you?) but I've no memory of the pool being emptied of people or water.

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