Phew, it's hard work playing all day. I can see why small children need to go to bed early.
I have achieved much since yesterday, but the Lovely Son is beginning to send ruder messages in response to my pathetic No understand! emails: "Go now, Luke, and use the flamin' Force!" And I do, and slowly it begins to make sense. So many Mac users can't be wrong when they say it's easy.
This Photo Booth thing is a laugh, or would be if it wasn't so brutal; perhaps I need some friends to squash in front of it with, just like we did in our teens. On my own, I have a rabbit-in-headlights look as I sit in front of the screen. Millie came to have a look, and I took our picture. You can see that we still have the stylish cardboard boxes in the fireplace to prevent another chimney exploration incident, although I suspect it wouldn't be Scooter trying that one again, but his naughty big sister.
And now that I've spent the roof money on a big toy, guess who turned up today? Yes, Billy the Roofer, over his big job on a country house and a bout of swine flu. That's how you get tradesmen to come back, Lizzie, you blow the budget on sweets....
Feline fun of the black pawprint variety ?
As for it being hard work playing all day ..... sometimes when I come back from my "lovely little job with the kiddies" I need a stiff coffee to get as far as supper !But I think I'd find twelve rounds with a new computer even more exhausting !
Yes, me too. I so envy you your retirement but no no no, I'd rather work than have to set up a new computer. I'm in awe at your techological know-how. My Lovely Son or possibly one of my Lovely Daughters or come to that my Lovely Husband would have to do it for me. I hate being so pathetic. But I am.
My verification word is "ingenc" which seems like a good one - it must mean "ingenious person who can set up computers and play with kittens at the same time".
my word verif. is 'fuggin'. Can't be that bad can it.
You and Millie take a beautiful picure btw.
Sounds like you're having fun, though. The cardboard boxes in the chimney reference was very intriguing - I must search through your posts for the story ...
S & S and Isabelle: it IS exhausting, but if your only helper was hundreds of miles away and you were a bit over-excited by your new toy, you'd get on and do it yourself too, I'm sure.
Mountainear: fuggin is very apt today...
Fran: try September, and the early days of the nameless feral kitten, or Jan/Feb/the present if you want to know about the naughty big sister!
Any new techi thing in our house is handed to husband with a "Let me know when it's working"! Secretly, I can work most things if I want to, but that's the thing, I see all gadgets as necessary evils. Give me a new set of charcoal pencils any day.
Been there with the cat up a chimney thing - very messy!!
I'd forgotten about the photo booths of the past. I think me and my friends spent too much of our youth hanging around waiting for wet strips of black and white photographs to be dispensed. Loving the specs on the head look, btw.
lovely photo of you, Madam Millie and your beautiful home. Love the colour of your walls.
Oliver sends cosmic catnip kisses to herself xo S & les larger Gang
I've come over from Being Miss and find another kindred soul; you'll notice I've added my picture to your followers.
And what's more, you are a mac user - can't be all bad then.
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