Wednesday 6 January 2010

Look! Look!

Guess what I found? More snow!

It's everywhere!

At the front of the house....

At the back....

On the roof....

I just love it!  My nose is bright pink with excitement; I have to keep rushing through the cat flap to explore, and then I bring lots of snow indoors for everyone else to enjoy. Come on out to play!

See? Told you it was fun.

What? The boys? Oh, indoors, doing what they like best:

Big sissies - they never go outside to play.


sheeza said...

its great and so sweet to see such a blanket of snow


join me

sheeza said...

its so lovely snow blanket.

wow and playing on snow would be a pleasure.

join me

Anonymous said...

And great fun for the person clearing up all those wet paw marks! We had a Maine Coon (sadly no more) who loved the snow. Her under carriage would end up thick with icicles.

Stay warm.


Linda said...

How sweet to see them having such fun. Rupert tolerates snow, but would really like a tiny set of boots!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I'm beginning to wonder if my undercarriage has the odd icicle too .
This weather is due to last another week . Lottie , Millie and Dog will start to expect their chalet girl to provide Apres Ski fun soon . How's your fondue ?

rachel said...

Apres-ski for small beasts is a permanent feature of life in this chalet, whether or not we have snow!

Signed, the Chalet Maid (aka Slave)

Susan said...

Oliver is very jealous. He does not "ever" go outside - although he has just recently been introduced to the lands of the Basement. Millie is parkouring al Fresco Oliver wishes he could be there with her, his true love with the Black nose - sigh xo les Gang

Marcheline said...

Your new banner picture is gorgeous!

Love the kitties!


Happy New Year!!!

_lethe_ said...

and then I bring lots of snow indoors for everyone else to enjoy.
And I bet you enjoy that the most!

I love that first photo of Lottie. And wow, even the dog is outside!

Glad to see James/Hamish settled in. Do the girls accept him yet?

mountainear said...

Those eyes! Like saucers, fantastic. Glad they are enjoying this, erm, seasonal weather. Your dog looks underwhelmed though.

Our big dog, Chester the German wire-haired pointer - who is meant to be a brave hunting dog but in in fact a wuss of the first water is finding a white world very difficult to cope with.

Fran Hill said...

I didn't think cats would like snow, getting their paws wet. Yours look very happy. Lovely pictures.

Lesley said...

Hi Rachel - I've been cleaning out a cupboard to put the Christmas decorations back - would you be interested in a new and unused cat bed? It's one of the ones like a little hut where the cat climbs inside? Someone who was clearly very unobservant gave it to me as a gift thinking that my dog was a cat and it's been cluttering up the understair cupboard for years!

If so, you can email me on with your address and I'll post it up to you! If not I'll renew my efforts to find a cat person round here....

Lesley x

Dartford Warbler said...

My three cats hate the snow. One sniff and they are back indoors again. Soft Southerners they are!

I love your rooftop photo. Such a brooding, snow laden sky.

Marie said...

Love that 'sproinging', airborn cat picture!

Estorbo is a snow wuss.

Pam said...

Hamish looks quite assimilated now.

Val said...

Enchanting pictures, and I particularly like the first one of Lottie, wide-eyed and wondering. The snow looks unbelievable to me. Here in SA we're in the middle of a heatwave with temperatures of 40 degrees C and above.

BumbleVee said...

Wow!! just look at those beautiful eyes!

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