Tuesday 28 August 2012

Holiday miscellany

The Gardener is a keen photographer, and it's catching.

Earlier this month, he gave me a present.

A Leica Digilux 2, in superb condition; not a camera for the lazy snapper. I struggle, and have much to learn, but will rise to the challenge!

Bank Holiday Monday was wet, windy, and just the day to go out for coffee. 

I took photos; I need to practise.

So did The Gardener. The waitress must have thought we were mad, taking photos simultaneously - of a simple espresso.

He captured perfectly Flossie's anguished gaze if one of us leaves the pack (I was just across the road buying ice creams.)

Today the sun is shining - of course - as it does when people have returned to work after a wet holiday. 

Up to North Hill with Flossie this morning, after an anxiety-provoking consultation with a garage about the car's enfeebled headlights. An impromptu drive, no cameras to hand.

North Hill is guaranteed to calm the troubled mind.

Men were clearing the ragwort, pleased with the success of last year's efforts, as there was less of it this year to poison the horses.

There was much ball-chasing, dashing about, tongue flapping, grinning madly. That's Flossie, not me, of course.

Then we walked under the trees to cool down.

A slight bulge appeared to the side of this tree; I got my phone camera going.

The bulge shifted shyly.


Your tree, Exmoor pony. Sorry to disturb you.

On Friday we are off on our one-week holiday to Majorca, in search of sun and warmth. Rain or shine, there will be photos!


Anne said...

We are sitting in the lounge at Heathrow, drinking wine - a civilised start to the holiday! Have a wonderful holiday and eat lots of tapas! Love Anne & Malcolm x

Noelle the dreamer said...

Oh Rachel, that slight bulge had me in stitches! Great shots!!
Flossie, you are beautiful!
A Leica? Wow, we can expect wonders from you in Majorca I am sure. I have not been there since 1972 and would love to see what you come up with!
A warm hello from the Pacific NW coast and a big hug to Flossie!!

Val said...

Your posts so often make me smile!
Many Thanks and I'm sorry I don't comment often !

Anonymous said...

I echo Noelle; A Leica? Wow! I look forward to your 'sunny' photos from Majorca. A super life.
Huh, Rachel? Have a ball!

flwrjane said...

Well off on holiday are we? In Majorca?

Things just keep getting better and better.

Have a wonderful time. And tell the gardener how much I love Flossie's photo.

I see that look every time I get out of the car.

xo jane

Unknown said...

Lovely photos, looks like the pony was having a laugh!!

Sorry to have been such an absent commenter recently, but it is utterly ab to see how rosy life is round yours!;)

Annie (Lady M) x said...

Off to Majorca eh? I hope you have a blooming lovely holiday. P.S. The Gardener seems like a bloody nice sort ;-)

John said...

Oh, come on! Majorca? Take me, take me!

love those cupcakes said...

For a minute there, looking at picture 8, I wondered what on earth I was doing behind that tree.

Ooh, lovely present and lovely holiday destination. Buen viaje!

the veg artist said...

If I send you the postage, will you send me some sunshine from Majorca. Please??????????

Gwen Buchanan said...

Haha.. Fun... So Horses hide behind trees in your neck of the woods.. reminds me of something from Monty Python!!

Jen said...

Love the picture of Flossie!
Good luck with your handsome new camera and have fun in Majorca.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

A trip to Majorca sounds lovely . Every inch of the island is photogenic .
The food's good , too !

Lucille said...

Have a lovely holiday. How many cameras will you be packing between you?

Rattling On said...

Majorca sounds perfect, and so much to photograph!

judy in ky said...

Have a wonderful time on your holiday!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful camera, I am sure that you will enjoy learning to use it.

have a super holiday.

hasenschneck said...

What a glorious present. Even more envious now, but I think it would be wasted on me. Look forward to hearing how you get on with this lovely toy.

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