Friday 25 March 2011

Dawn chorus

All is well; Flossie had a nice, long, uneventful sleep, and was full of beans for her first walk. Heavy hints were applied.

Wish I could say I'd had the same sweet repose; sleeping with one ear open for the possibility of faint whining at the back door isn't conducive to a restful night, and makes one very aware of the cheeping and chirruping that goes on between Hamish and Scooter from around 5 a.m.

It's their greeting and invitation to play, tails up, and they keep it going - with the dogs and the girls, never to me (sigh) - till it's time to sit on my bedroom windowsill and lash their tails malevolently at the chimney-perched birds or pounce on my feet.



Chirr! Whirr!

Eventually, I gave in and got up. And that's why the dogs and I were in the dewy park at around 7 o'clock this morning. I know, hardly the crack of dawn, but early for me.

I'm considering an afternoon nap.....


Mary Ann Tate said...

I love Flossie...what a sweety. Our cats usually start at about 5:30...lots of thumping about and then one or both throw themselves against the bedroom door and begin with little chirps that get louder and louder. I nap often:)

the veg artist said...

A short-lived bug then. Good. Your park and walks do look lovely. What passes for our local park (no flowers, just grass, no benches, just goal posts) has smartened up a bit in the 8 years we have lived at this end of town, but the other day I saw a little sign by one of the gates. "No Dogs Allowed". I do understand the safety aspects re children/eyes etc., but that would have been the only public green space within walking distance, outside of our garden. Doggy plans seem to be shrinking here!

judy in ky said...

Living with cats... I love the soundtrack that comes with it!

Anonymous said...

I was about to suggest a baby monitor to alert you to signs of doggy distress ...... but then I read on to the cats noises, so maybe not!! Glad Flossie is recovered - I'm looking forward to our walk next week (I have a good waterproof jacket if it rains!)

Susan said...

oh the "rhea" as we affectionately (?) call it here at 29 Black ... especially common with labs and retrievers as (you know of course) they will eat anything & everything. Jake & the "rhea" were great pals but it's always a terrible worry so we're thrilled to here that "things" are more firmed up today. The photos from yesterday's off leash jaunt avec the pack and a happy, legs in the air & snoring Flossie made our hearts sing loudly. over & out xoxo Susan & les Gang

Pam said...

So do the cats actually sleep for most of the night? Ours are banished to the kitchen, since I find it hard enough to sleep at the best of times, but I'm always anxious that they're awake and wanting to do things. Though they always seem to be fast asleep if we go into the kitchen during the night.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Any morning that starts of with no poop or headless mice is good by definition ! Though a slightly later start would be even better .

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