Wednesday 7 March 2012

Ten things....

The lovely Jane asked me to join the ranks of bloggers who reveal the ten things they can't live without. Most surprisingly, it's an exercise called Ten Things I Can't Live Without.

I'm going to take family, friends, pets and life's basics as given, and that Jane intends this not to be terrifyingly serious. So here goes:

1. My slippers. What's a home without a cat slippers? Take your shoes off, put your slippers on, and you're home. Mine are cheap, often replaced, always grubby, as I sneak out in them at night to walk the dogs.

2. Tea. What is life without tea? Ordinary black tea, no added scent, fruit, or bits of dried flowery stuff; just a tiny amount of milk added after pouring, no sugar. A china cup or mug. Repeat often.Thank you very much; perfect. Pass the Rich Tea biscuits; I can't reach, because there's a cat on my knee.

3. Underwiring. You know what I mean; the curved and spiky piece of metal that creeps out and stabs you in the chest to tell you that your corsetry is old and tatty beyond redemption. I know there are stories of how underwired bras cause cancer, receive alien transmissions from deep space, wreck your washing machine, but somehow, if you have to wear a bra (and, oh, I do) they just quietly assist the time-wearied fuller figure..... And those messages from the super-intelligent life forms beyond our galaxy tell me I'm right.

4. My car. I don't use it much, just when places are too far to walk or things are too heavy or complicated to carry, but being able to drive has been one of the most liberating things in my adult life. But I could wish for a self-cleaning model, that doesn't smell of wet dog, and in a colour that isn't grandad's-cardigan maroon.

5. A radio beside my bed. Perfect for sleepless nights when otherwise you just lie in the dark and worry about ridiculous things, or just for drifting off to sleep by. The timed Off button ensures that I don't leave it on all night and have horrible jumbled dreams about wars and famines, all mixed up with farming and shipping forecasts, interspersed with that annoying snippet of music BBC World radio pops in between items.

6. Elastic waistbands. Stop hooting and jeering so rudely; I'm well into middle age, and can wear them if I like. I don't actually wear my tops tucked into them, you know, so nobody notices.

7. My computer. Maybe that should be up there under Slippers; I can't imagine life without email, Google, Angry Birds, and blogworld. All enjoyed while wearing my slippers, naturally, with a cup of tea to hand and a cat on the keyboard.

8. Hair colourant. 'Nuff said. We all have our vanities. Mine is to not look like a badger, with stripes of grey and dark hair that refuses to turn evenly grey in a chic Helen Mirrenish sort of way.

9. Gardening gloves. Accidentally touching a slug has to be one of the worst of all tactile experiences, and the revolting sensation just doesn't wash off, no, not even with Brillo pads and caustic soda.

10. Flowers in the house. No, this is not me sucking up to Jane; it's true. I used to visit a very old lady whose highly-polished dining table always had a little vase or bowl of something from the garden - just a few little strands of ivy or the like if it was bleak midwinter - and she maintained that she couldn't live without them. I feel the same way, and love most of all a tiny little container with a few tiny little flowers that would be barely noticeable outdoors.

So, if you want to join in, let Jane know; she's very polite and will thank you nicely.


Lynda (Granny K) said...

I'm with you on so many of those! Furry-boot slippers that go in the washer. Gardening gloves - I scream if I touch a slug even in gloves! Hair colour - oh definately yes!
Have just discovered M&S medium strength sports bras. Very comfy, even if they do give you a sort of pneumatic-tyre bosom. I'm heading for the Margaret Rutherford look in that department these days.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

An excellent list . Copious cups of tea , just the way I like it , would definitely be high on my list , too , following closely behind ditto of coffee in the morning .
But the top of my list would have to be comfortable shoes . Red , if possible .

Frances said...

I am totally with you on all of those......I could have written them myself! Maybe not no.10 so much as I have so many house plants I don't have room for cut flowers as well.

Anne said...

A very good list!! I agree with you about slugs ... they give me the absolute horrors. I have to remember that my current slippers don't have hard soles for going outside (but they are so pretty and were half price in the January sales!)
At least the word verification has been tweaked to remove the half-obscured word - but I still have the problem that I have to change my choice of ID to comment on blogs with WV - strange!

Lyn said...

I am with you on all of the above, who would of thought such things could be very entertaining stuff!

judy in ky said...

I like your list and mine is very similar. I must have my cats, of course, and I start every day with one cup of coffee, it clears the cobwebs from my brain. No fancy flavors for me either... just plain coffee with a little milk. Then my computer, my phone and my slippers (which also must be able to go outside). And a bra, because of that curvy middle aged thing. I've just discovered racer backs because the straps don't slip down. My list ends with my bed and my comforter, they lull me to sleep at night.

Dan said...

In the frivolity of the challenge, I would agree on some of those, but I'd certainly never be without books! I'd miss them more than my laptop.

Anonymous said...

Rachel, you win the candor prize!! I love your list. Comfort takes the day!!!! I've worn deep space antennae all my life!

molly said...

Wonderful List! I especially liked how several came together in #7! Coffee in the morning to kick start the day; several cups of tea throughout; flowers and cats; books, blogs and playtime in the sewing room and starry skies to dream under.....

Anonymous said...

what a lovely read. i agree with some of them. esp. cats and hair colour (henna) and my computer.

flwrjane said...

Okay I'm number 1000 of people who love your list.

And my favorite of course is that perfect little vase of flowers.

That says it all about in the house.

Thank you so much for such a perfectly you list.

10 more reasons why we love you.

xo Jane

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel!
With such high regards from Jane...I had to come visit you.
I read back through your earlier posts and I see exactly why she adores you so.
A girl who loves her slippers as much as I love mine tops high on my list too!

I look forward to following along and reading more about your new way of living ~

Jen said...

Are you my long-lost twin? Your list is so very me. I am all about comfort and tea and flowers. So nice to meet you!


webb said...

A great list - slugs "no", tea "yes" - definitely! And, yes to elastic waists, too. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

Thanks for sharing.

hasenschneck said...

What a nice idea to make this list. I'm with you on all of those. I'd like to live without the car but not really possible in darkest Somerset.

Petals in Prose said...

I would like some slippers like yours! A pile of great wool socks is my winter love. Thank you and thanks to Jane for leading me your way.

Bonnie said...

I absolutely adore your list and understand the underwire completely. I look forward to browsing your older posts. Thanks for sharing such a delight list.

Amelia said...

What a lovely list, like snuggling in front of a fireplace! I have one horrible sick admission...I don't mind the slugs, anything that loves the dirt can't be all bad.

Rattling On said...

I don't mind slugs and usually take off the gloves (if you saw my nails it wouldn't be a surprise). But the bra thing? OMG I will be awake tonight waiting for my alien message (having already had the washer knackered by them- the wires not aliens). Does it still work if you don't sleep in the brassiere? I NEED to know...

Pam said...

Re slugs: standing on one with bare feet isn't a good sensation either, though arguably worse for the slug.

jabblog said...

I'm sure I couldn't restrict my list to just ten . . .

Urbanstems said...

Hair colour, slippers and tea - I hear ya sista!!! Sinead

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

Oh no, you have got me thinking about mine now and it is time to go to bed. Maybe I could just adopt yours, but hang on, where is the wine?

Marcheline said...

I absolutely ADORE that little coin-shaped vase in the last picture. Too, too delicious.

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