Wednesday 26 September 2012


No, not really. Just not a lot to say, and feeling generally under the weather*. The very wet weather at that.....

Back soon when I have something to write about that doesn't involve woolly jumpers and waterproof clothes.

*seemingly-everlasting shingles.


dinahmow said...

My sympathy on the herpes. Thus far, I've been lucky, but , having had chicken pox as a kid, I know it's just waiting for me to get super-stressed!
As for the weather...

Jan said...

Sorry about the shingles. I had them a few years back and they do seem like they go on forever! Hope you are feeling better soon, and that it stops raining!

jabblog said...

Bad luck - the shingles will soon retreat. Meanwhile, keep warm, relax and think of happier times:-)

the veg artist said...

You poor thing. I've had shingles - twice! Guaranteed to make anyone feel dismal.
Look after yourself!

Danielle P. said...

Oh, that sounds terribly unconfortable... I hope you'll be better (and dryer) very soon!

Anonymous said...

Well now, that is a damn fine picture of you ma'am, spots or not.

Wishing you well and free from pain. xxx

flwrjane said...

The word in the US is that they are extremely painful.

I know you all are stiff upper lip and all that but shingles?

I'm so sorry and hope they retreat soon.

xo Jane, Gus, Lucy, GG and the lab

Gwen Buchanan said...

I hope you and the weather are better soon!

Karen said...

My mother also has shingles (she's 81). And this is after she got the shingles vaccination!

She developed polymyalgia rheumatica a year and a half ago which is a very painful condition of the shoulders and neck which is treated by cortisone. While I was waiting to fill her prescription for pain medication for shingles, I was looking through the possible complications caused by the shingles vaccine and, bingo, the rhuematica is a very rare side effect.

So, she not only has shingles, but a super-painful complication caused by the vaccine. Not a fun summer for her, either.

colleen said...

Poor you - and rubbish weather to boot. Personally, I'd welcome something about woolens and waterproofs!

Pam said...

Oh no, poor you! Hope you feel better soon.

judy in ky said...

I had shingles once, then the doctor gave me a vaccination so maybe I won't get them again.

Anonymous said...

Ouch!!! Bugger the shingles!!! I was offered the vaccine, as I was, at 65, given many admonitions ...pneumonia, shingles. Cataracts, glaucoma, etc. Passed on the shingles vaccine as it was expensive, got the pneumonia vaccine and the hideous flu shot. I had chicken pox, so maybe shingles awaits me. If I get them, I'll know where I can glean some sympathy!!! As for now, I give you my dearest wish that they leave you soon. Think of the fun of Majorca, the warmth of your hearth, the love of your critters and your lovely gardener!

Lucille said...

What a long haul. Still, you manage to look like a glamorous woman of mystery in your wooly jumper and anorak which is quite an achievement

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

My sympathy for your quite understandable down-ness . My mother found that Brewers Yeast tablets helped and lots of rest ... and time .
Hope you're feeling happier soon .

Rattling On said...

I've had shingles as well. Twice. Not pleasant to say the least. Unfortunately I've had the weather very often, and it persists even today. If and when all this rain turns to snow I think we will disappear under it for a few months.

Amy said...

Deepest sympathy, as my grandmother and brother have had them. (OK Grandma was 20 years ago, brother was this summer.) I know it is something I do not want, so keep it over there, please!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hear that's miserable...fingers crossed and huge prayers that you feel better soon!

xo sarah

hasenschneck said...

Funnily, I was just thinking about shingles this week, remembering my grandmother getting it in the sixties and visiting her on an isolation ward in hospital. I still got chickenpox, so perhaps shingles awaits me too. I hope you feel better soon. x

Val said...

Hope you're feeling better soon and that you don't need to build an Ark.
It's raining buckets here too :0(

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