After all the agonising, have I let the idea of a move South lapse? Not at all. The next chapter of the Grand Plan to move to Devon or Dorset is being sketched out: in late November, a friend and I are flying down to Exeter to explore the area and test whether or not it appeals to me as a future location. No house hunting as such, just motoring around, rubber-necking and prioritising, staying in a lovely cottage in Budleigh Salterton, and hoping that the area isn't entirely filled with holiday lets and nursing homes, as the websites might lead one to believe.
November isn't the most brilliant month to be looking round any county famed for its natural beauty, but it's a good time to gain a realistic idea of what it looks like when the roses-round-the-door image is hibernating. And to assess if I am sufficiently 'retired' to fit in with the 30% of the population who are of pensionable age. That should make a nice change from feeling very, very old, intolerant and bad-tempered about the student demographic round here.
Go for it - but with your eyes wide open (as they seem to be from your post)!! We've still got a move to France on the agenda but it is being psotponed due to the economy at the moment! It gets more and more daunting as time goes on so I'm going to be inspired by your determination to hold out for your dream.
Lesley x
I think it sounds great, go for it! It'll definitely give you a better idea of what its like to live there all year round, what things look like without the sun, who lives there all year around rather than just summer and what's going on out of season. Exciting stuff! x
See! That's a sunny picture! I would live there! Also, very jealous of the road trip.
It will be so much fun being one of the youngest in that 30%! Besides, you owe it to those furry darlings to be living somewhere fresher and with the lingering scents of the sea, fish, fish and more fish...
I can understand the doubts . But going when it's colder , wetter and greyer is an excellent idea . And if nothing else , you'll have had an interesting trip . Hope you enjoy it all .
This is such a good idea.
I've had so many people complain to me about rain levels here - people who had only visited in the summer before, but moved, lock, stock etc.
Can I suggest you check out availability/reputation of doctor/dentist/hospital and, of course, nearest vet as well. Difficulty of travelling to these is an issue that comes up all the time here - for example, my builder has had to have his heart op 50 miles away.Until recently the nearest MRI scanner was also 50 miles but we do have one now, I think.
Of course, it will be a holiday as well, so more photos for us!
Yes, those questions are all on my list, along with broadband, rainfall averages, and Things To Do! Further suggestions welcome, of course...
Well, Devon was more than a bit on the damp side in July, let me tell you. Budleigh Salterton was lovely but VERY WET. (And a terrible long way from Edinburgh.)
That kitten is supercute and has very big ears!
It is such a lovely part of the world, I wonder what you will think of it in November, I think your approach is very sensible.
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