Tuesday 27 October 2009

Listening in

I've heard my name a few times lately in a soppy sympathetic tone, along with another word that sounds like it. "Scooter...." And "Nooter....", something like that. And "Scooter.... Vet....".

"Wednesday" is also mentioned. What's a Wednesday? Or a Nooter? Or a Vet?

I don't know. Nothing to do with me, probably.

So I won't worry about it.


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Ooh , that might put an end to the wolf whistling .

Susan said...

oh oh ...

Liz said...

Poor Scooter, if you only knew.

Linda said...

Rupert says he didn't have to go until he was six months old! Poor little kitten, but best in the long run!

rachel said...

Well, we don't really know how old Scooter is, but he's growing so fast he certainly looks to be 5-6 months.

The important thing is to have the particular manly bits available to be removed..... aaaw, poor little lad.....

BumbleVee said...

plug your ears Scooter... don't listen... but, I'm sure she probably only said tutor or something like it....

Anonymous said...

Hope all goes well, and he's now back home again, dazed, puzzled and somewhat confused. "I could have sworn I had them when I left"...


Lesley said...


Hope he feels better soon.

Lesley x

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