Sunday 1 May 2011

Dog's washday

Amongst the many and varied joys in Flossie's life, there are occasional tragedies.

The weekly wash is one of them.


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I can quite see how traumatising it must be for her .... that Disney-dog is downright scarey !
(When I read the title I thought you'd rushed out and washed Florence in morning dew , its being the First of May .)

Rattling On said...

I think that may be classed as torture... on more than one count!

the veg artist said...

Flossie's had it a month and it's still in one piece????

Anonymous said...

Poor Flossie, parted from her baby!

jabblog said...

That reminds me, I have some dog toys to sew together again.
Dogs do like clean beds, though - usually ours!

BumbleVee said...

hahahahhaha....the last shot is pretty funny......

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I take a pretty dim view of pegging animals out by their ears. You should just ask them nicely to grasp the washing line between their teeth until they're dry

judy in ky said...

She has such a sweet face... I just want to reach out and give her a pat.

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