Sunday 15 May 2011

Health food

I'm trying not to be a diet bore while I lose weight and reduce my blood pressure (yes, it's all going well, and my lovely doctor's BP readings aren't nearly as high as those obtained by Nurse Snooty the Stabber. It's diet and exercise for me.) But there's something on the supplements front you should know.

My Nemesis, of course, has been baking, that hobby from Hell, so comforting at times of stress; no more of that for now.  But in my drive to increase the potassium in my diet (lots of nice foodstuffs to choose from) I have discovered amongst the many lists produced by Google a hidden gem.

Snuff and chewing tobacco. Who knew? High in potassium. Spitting, brown teeth and worse come free with regular use.

Better than sponge cake and cheese scones any day. 

Note: If you can't muster up enough enthusiasm for snuff itself, then take a look at these beautiful snuff boxes instead. Read Georgette Heyer. And eat more bananas.


flwrjane said...

I'll just have a banana and some dried figs thank you very much.

Good to hear you're marching down the path to better health with dogs beside you.

We would be very unhappy if anything happened to you.

Keep on snuffing!

xo Jane

Marcheline said...

I love all old tobacco paraphernalia and packaging... it's so cool! I actually have a collection of pipes and tobaccos that I smoke on occasion. It's very relaxing, and opens up a door into a whole other world of beauty. Wood grains, tobacco tins, etc.

scrumptious days said...

Just what I'm looking for, the Georgette Heyer diet! I needed some inspiration, I've lost 2 stone and have just stuck for the last two months!!! Thanks Jude x

Lucille said...

I'm following this with interest as my husband and I have just embarked on the anti-Alzheimer's diet. Brightly coloured food is the key. And a couple of supplements whose names escape me for the moment...

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Snuff taking means chubby old gents and huge handkerchiefs , preferably polka-dotted . The trouble is I can never see anything like that (the hankies , not the elderly gents) without wanting to turn it into patches for a quilt , so partaking in company might be hazardous .
P.S. I've been boring about my diet on many an occasion . You're allowed to have a turn now , if you like .

the veg artist said...

I follow a multi-coloured diet/ideal, but should probably pay a bit more attention to calories as well. What I will not have, though, is any low-calorie foods. If I'm going to eat it, I'm going to eat the proper stuff, just in smaller quantities!

Pam said...

Good for you. Maybe I'll join you. Not so much with the snuff, though.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I pondered on Lucille's comment all day ( not exclusively , obviously) and remain intrigued by the Brightly-Coloured diet .
Red and yellow peppers , pumpkin and tomatoes ..... rainbow fish and parakeet fillets ?

Anonymous said...

Spitting is so un-ladylike that I just know you won't be doing it. It's your blog, you can be boring if you want to.

Bee said...

This just doesn't seem possible? Snuff and potassium?
How about some banana bread as a nice compromise?

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