Friday 26 March 2010

Well, fluff my feathers!

What I saw last night:

If you have the chance to see this, and haven't taken it already, go! 

Matthew Bourne's thrilling version of Swan Lake, with its male lead Swan and corps de ballet. Unmissable.


Fran Hill said...

I have never, ever been to the ballet. This makes me want to go, though.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I haven't had the chance to see it and clips like this just make me keener .
It must have been marvellous !

Val said...

Lovely...thanks for the clip

BumbleVee said...

I've wanted to see it since seeing Billy Elliot...and the male dancer who plays Billy at 25.... what strength and grace..... what hard work and sacrifice they put in to becoming the best at what they do. Amazing....

Dartford Warbler said...

How fantastic! I would love to see this.

love those cupcakes said...

My friend was there last night, too. Looks fab.

Lynda (Granny K) said...

I'd love to see it! I've only seen a bit of it on TV and thought.... Wow!

Pam said...

Goodness, am I the only one that thought it was a bit scary? Lady swans - pretty. Chap swans - not so sure. Impressive. But a bit sinister. I'm only judging by your clip, though.

rachel said...

Isabelle, I'll send you the synopsis or whatever it's called, of Matthew Bourne's adaptation - the swans are definitely big, muscular and forceful, a million miles away from dainty little women in tutus!

And that's the appeal.......

Rattling On said...

Gives the blokes a chance to show they do more than prop up the ladies! I hope it comes here, I'd love to see it.

Anonymous said...

Yes Rachel, that's how I like my swans! Seriously though, it looks amazing.

Marcheline said...

Well, I happen to think the men captured the REAL essence of swans. Have you ever been rushed by an aggressive swan? They can be bloody nasty, and they don't tiptoe around and look delicate, either.

The men capture the angle of the wings, the way swans walk, the look of the beak (using their hands), and the dark marks around the eyes are spot-on.

I definitely came away with more of an impression of real swans from this clip than I ever have from watching the girlies tippy-toe around.

penny said...

It's coming to Norwich soon - can't wait!

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