Friday 24 September 2010

Indoor activities

Florence overdid the charging about with older, bigger, more agile dogs, and has a painful hip muscle today. She is on anti-inflammatories for a week and has been told to play quietly, no careening about like Lewis Hamilton on four legs.

She says she will be good.

And patient.

But she's glad to have a bone to chew.

And a new toy to share with a friend.

Such a good girl!

Meanwhile, one of Fran's dogs does his best to keep her amused:


jabblog said...

Our 5-year-oldJenna has to exercise with care as she has damaged her hip joints through endless bounding around. Now she has a great deal of water therapy which is no hardship for a Labrador. We also give all our dogs MSM, Glucosamine and Bromelain to prevent further damage.
Fran's dog amused me. Our first Labrador would do that. In those days people didn't know that chocolate was bad news for dogs so she would sometimes sit with a finger of Kit Kat in her mouth and not eat it until told to.

Fran Hill said...

Love the video. I don't have a dog, and my husband won't agree to do the 'balance this chocolate on your nose and then flip it in the air and catch it' thing. Some people are No Fun.

Anonymous said...

I love Fran's comment - I wonder if I could train Malcolm to do it!! Florence is looking so gorgeous - Stuart was most impressed with her hay bale antics when I showed him the clip last night!

judy in ky said...

So far I have four cats but no dogs. You are making me want to get a dog, too. They are so lovable.

Sue said...

She really is very beautiful and I am getting more jealous by the day.

Susan said...

She is so beautiful ! etc ... ets ...
Looking forward to Maine (wink)

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

I hope Florence feels better soon. She looks so much like the lab I used to have. Black Jack was my buddy and I still miss him. That face is so sweet!

Val said...

That last photo of her on the rug is lovely :0)

Dan said...

Are you SURE you want to take Florence home? She would be more than welcome to come and live here. I love the top two pictures of her, and also her playing with her new friends. How many dogs does Fran have of her own?

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