Thursday 28 April 2011

The magic of numbers

Outside a back door in another  street (i.e. not Bacteria Gardens):

It reads "34 + 1 (6) innit"..... Or, as Lucille suggests, "(b)innit".

The official sticker tells me it's really the wheelie bin belonging to number 41 Bacteria Gardens.

Another of life's little mysteries.


Lucille said...

Or 'binn it'? Can't explain the sum though and am spending far too long trying to. Must get a life.

judy in ky said...

Bacteria Gardens?? Sounds like a lovely place... innit?

rachel said...

Oh, maybe it does read (binnit).... That's enough time wasted on this one, I think!

Bacteria Gardens is the blog name for where I live. Some days the back lane deserves its nom de plume.

Marcheline said...

I've never been good at math, so if other people can't figure it out either it makes me feel better. 8-)

jabblog said...

Sums?? Far too taxing . . .

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

34+1=35 35+6=41 , innit .

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

And in case anyone points out that you all KNEW that but forbore to mention it ..... I have very limited hard sum skills so MUST show off when I can .
Sad , innit .

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was done by Banksy and is worth a fortune .... but then again, maybe not!! When you tire of Bacteria Gardens, come and stay with us in Cowpat Crescent, just off Sheep Dropping Drive, round the corner from Horse Poo Place (ok, I'll stop now!!)

Duyvken said...

I love neighbourhood mysteries!

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