Firstly: that when faced with a real bargain in John Lewis, and with no real justification - let's rephrase that: no justification whatsoever - for replacing my old computer, I am unable to turn down a 20" Mac on sale. This afternoon I'm going in to pay for it (with the roof money - don't ask) and bring it home.

Secondly: that browsing, choosing and buying wool is a most seductive experience - why didn't anyone tell me that it might become a dangerously addictive activity? I must steer clear of wool shops until the roof money has been re-saved up.
Thirdly: that knitting is easy after a 30-odd year break, until you try, when you find you can't count stitches and rows and watch tv at the same time. I am becoming skilled at pulling my few rows out and starting again, muttering under my breath.
Fourthly: that knitting is hard when you have a cat or two hanging on to the end of your needles. Oddly, they ignore the wool; it's the waving needles that lure them.

It's a feckless life, but it's fun.
I'm sure that Mac was just crying out to go home with you so you've done it a favour! Love the photo of your cat attacking the knitting needles.
Your savings policy sounds a bit like mine !
But both computer and wool look gorgeous and very necessary . In fact the wool looks so nice that I can quite see why you're rationing your visits to wool shops . Gone , it seems , are the days of Blackpool Rock pink BryNylon and beige 4-ply .
I want a video of Millie and the knitting needles next !
Millie just want to add knitting to her list of practical skills. She'll need to learn roofing too from the sound of it!
Yay you eventually got a Mac! everything is so much easier x
You will love that Mac - it needed a good home.
Love that picture of Millie. I have a dog that makes vacuuming difficult in much the same pointless way.
Don't worry about the knitting...my sister once phoned as she'd forgotten how to purl. In the middle of a row.
My answer to the knitting problem:
Two cats.
One crochet hook.
Is that a cat? I thought it was a fancy row counter or something.
Have travelled over from the Welsh hills and I think I will come again. Your posts are nice to read.
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