Thursday 20 May 2010

Answer: Five

Question: How many mousing, ratting, predatory animals does one household need to NOT catch a live mouse that one of them has brought into the kitchen?

(A live mouse that is now somewhere under the kitchen cabinets?)


the veg artist said...

Rupert has started to worry about their fitness to be country cats!

Val said...

They are saving it to play with later....either that or it's bribed them..or has magical powers over cats...or (all excuses used by our 5 when a mouse trotted out to say hi....actually I think they bring them in ..release them and wait for our reaction)

BumbleVee said...

I think it may be time to put them all on diets...somebody will get hungry enough to ferret out that mouse...

Lucille said...

They're havin' a larf aren't they?

Susan said...

Bless 'em ! Stop feeding them for a while, that should concentrate their little minds!

Deborah said...

Mine were never very adept at that, either. They preferred to play with mice under the dining room table.

Susan said...

Patience Mama ... patience ... this is all part of their (our) sick & twisted game. The wait. That poor mouse is a goner unless you get to he or she first.

xo les tres patient cats of Black Street

Paddy Paws said...

Find it quick. You'll get less for the house with a sitting tenant.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Heavens! They're not going to kill it . That's your job . You're the biggest , after all .

Fran Hill said...

Aw, but that little mousie looks so sweet in your picture. I think your cats probably thought so too.

Lynda (Granny K) said...

But it was a present for you! :o)

Dan said...

You need a Jack Russell!
We used humane traps last year and then released them a good few miles away, but Frankie caught three unfortunate ones who didn't make it into the Mars Bar oasis of the trap.

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