Well, that was easy: that glorious Algonquin apple pie recipe wasn't in Bee Drunken's blog as I'd first thought (and I searched and searched!) but in her other food-collaborative blog: Domestic Sensualist. That I'd just read a couple of days earlier.... I have the memory of a hen....
Anyway, go and have a look, and have a go - it's well worth it. Thank you, Bee.
PS Want to know how I found out in the end? So simple! I copied a couple of sentences from the saved draft of the recipe (the one where I'd managed to cut out all the clues to authorship) and put them in the Google searchbox with quotation marks at each end. And up she popped. Maybe everyone knew all this already, but if you didn't, it's the quotation marks that get you there.
Off now to make a large Victoria sponge (with whipped cream) as requested by her Four Doors Down, who has a houseful of guests who will need something reviving later on, after spending the day Going Ape in Northumberland. It involves swinging through trees on ropes, apparently. And it's raining today. Generous application of cake will be essential.
Swinging through trees on ropes??? I think I'd need a brandy with the cake.
Yes , I thought you said swinging through trees on ropes , too . But anyone sensible enough to order a humungous Victoria sponge wouldn't do anything so silly as play Tarzan in the rain . Perhaps she meant Pooh Sticks ?
No, swinging through trees on ropes was right. She is as mad as a hatter, mind you....
I still get amazed by the fact that I can Google my own blog name (or words) and up it will pop!
Victoria sponge sounds awfully good right now . . . although I've just eaten a bowl of cut-up Coxes with cinnamon sugar. (I got addicted to this snack when I became addicted to apple pie. It is definitely healthier without the pastry, although sometimes pastry is NECESSARY.
btw, if you make the pie with Bramley's will you let me know? I like a Bramley for certain things, but the texture tends to go mushy. Sometimes a good thing, but I don't like it for this pie.
I hadn't thought about Bramley mushiness...Maybe I'll try it with Granny Smiths?
alright!! it worked for me too .... I didn't know about it at all... thank you....
I go merrily ripping through blog after blog like I'm in a maze... finding fun stuff or great recipes... and then... all of a sudden I can't remember where I saw something...or I click the wrong button and am back at "home" without copying a recipe...arrrgghhhh!
anyway... this time it was a recipe for spaghetti squash casserole that I found and all of a sudden I lost it... and my spaghetti squash sat on the counter for two more days til I found it (*not the squash, but the recipe that is...) using your trick ... oh, I love it when I learn something new and useful on the computer....you clever gal you!
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