Here's an invitation to express your honest and unrestrained opinion. Come on, you know you want to.
If you'd been to Ardalanish Isle of Mull Weavers and become so entranced by the enthusiasm and commitment of a certain Aeneas MacKay that you spent the rest of your holiday money on a length of undyed Hebridean wool, in a lovely, peaty, greyish-brown hue, woven in a window pane pattern, what would you consider doing with it? Ideas welcome, but not urgent. I may leave it to mature for a year or five. It measures almost 2 metres x 1 and a half metres.
What I won't be using it for is to make a skirt - my rear end is wide enough already without subjecting it to the notorious tweed skirt effect that would only serve to frighten the horses and make small boys point and jeer.

But it is rather gorgeous, I think. The tweed, that is.
A cape or ponch like coat or always my favourite a throw, a rug something warm and snuggly to drape over your legs while reading in a chair and/or for kittens to bury themselves under. Perhaps the other side is satin or that old vintage fur coat that you'd been wondering what to do with.
poncho ... that is
Would it be suitable for covering a special kitten, cat & dog nurturing chair? Then you could hide your posterior in it?
Oh my goodness, what a wonderful link. The Ardalanish Isle of Mull Weavers is a wonderful site,and can understand how you spent the rest of your holiday pay.So worth it! Your choice is lovely, but so much to choose from! In time, you'll know what to do with your perfect choice.
You are right, it is gorgeous! I would make a tunic to wear with pearls and black pants. But, you should make whatever pleases you most.
Personally, a tailored waistcoat that would last and go with lots of other things. If there was any material left, a bag of sorts, then a dog-coat.
At least you bought it when you saw it. My trick is to not be able to justify it on the spot, then regret it ever after.
I'd stroke it for a while first .Is there enough for what used to be called a car coat ?
Whatever you decide ít can't help looking lovely in that gorgeous tweed .
Some great ideas coming in, thank you all! Maybe I should have bought, that was the only piece they had at the time.... lucky escape for my bank balance then.
A throw, with chocolate brown velvet as backing? And/or cushions, to pair with some of those cable knit ones?
I'm tempted to say cushions too - and love the idea of a velvet backing.
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