Thursday 11 June 2009


but before I could throw myself in the river, this arrived in the post. A treat to myself, ordered at a time when I must have known subconsciously that there would be moments of bleak horror ahead, like furniture-painting day. I already have the audiobook of Juliet Stevenson reading 'Persuasion' - the only thing that kept me sane on that nightmare journey to Australia - and I know that she has a special affinity with Jane Austen's work. I stalked this on Amazon for a long time before I felt sufficiently deserving to have it, and it can be my furniture-painting soundtrack for the duration. I can share my despair at how fiddly painting a bookcase is with my exasperation at that milksop Fanny Price, and have a good mutter to myself; always very satisfying, a good mutter.


Anonymous said...

Do you think that you will be having to paint a considerable amount more furniture then, as I imagine Juliet S might be an even keeled slowish kind of a reader, truly savouring every word. Getting a vision of you the stalker suddenly darting in, rather like a kingfisher in a slowed down D Attenborough shoot. You are to be congratulated for getting stuck in. Keep those bristles conditioned my dear!

Anonymous said...

What perfect timing!

Audiobooks are an oft-neglected balm to the wounded spirit. What a cup of tea can't soothe, they will!

Susan said...

I was reading in chronological order (always) just in case you were wondering.

A Jane Austen trance like painting stupor is in order.

Paint On !

Linda said...

I would find it difficult to function now without Amazon!

mountainear said...

Give me something to listen to and something to paint (wall, wood, picture) and I'm in heaven. I've even been known to paint extra slowly so as to hear the end of the afternoon play. Sad really.

I'm imagining you in Scumble Goosie loveliness...

rachel said...

And now you can look at the (badly) finished results, mountainear, and laugh mockingly. S. Goosie has nothing to fear from me.

And if ever you fancy a little furniture painting holiday in the North East, just let me know.

Lizzie, you have NO idea how slowly I paint, every brush stroke weighed down with resentment and unwillingness.

Thank goodness for Juliet and her perfect Aunt Norris voice in all its hatefulness to distract me from the tedium of the task.

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