Saturday 6 June 2009

So tired...

Very naughty girl, who, unknown to me, had wriggled out through tiny chink in the cat flap security barricade in the middle of the night, then couldn't get back in again. Had to stay out till morning, in pouring rain, coming in sopping wet and bedraggled. After enormous breakfast, spent the day sleeping off her night on the tiles. It's late now, and what does she want to do? Yep, all over again.


Anonymous said...

It's a cats life - our place to pamper and fulfill their wildest dreams eh? I think she's darned lucky to have you in her employ.

Susan said...

hey ! are you Dim Sum Sundaying it ? I'm up with single gal cake. Wink.

judy in ky said...

Such a sweet-looking little cat. I'm sorry she got stuck outside and had to get all wet and bedraggled. She looks better now.

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