Millie can jump on the worktops. Human forgetfulness meant that the catnip bag, in which new toys are marinaded before issue, wasn't put away securely. The rest doesn't require explanation.
But there was quite a party, even after all the sweeping up. I fear that innocent little Scooter has been exposed to bad company and pernicious habits before his time.
But there was quite a party, even after all the sweeping up. I fear that innocent little Scooter has been exposed to bad company and pernicious habits before his time.

Oops ! In Millie's defence , she only did it to welcome the kitten .....?
Oliver is concerned that Miss Millie is not the kinda girl he thought she was ... to use a terrible term
Elle a Cougar n'est pas ??
He is tres disappointed
xo les Gang
Silly people! Just go back in time to my January/February posts and see what she was like then! She has been a holy terror for the entire 11 months of her life. Oliver doesn't know the half.....
But she's adorable, regardless; the most characterful cat I've ever lived with, I think.
Can you get a catnip hangover do you think?? If so, there'll be much catty moaning tomorrow....
Lesley x
I'd forgotten actually that she was still a kitten herself. Wow! not even a year yet - she can have such a mature and ladylike pose every now and then. Ahhh ! the crashing and banging and thumping of two kittens. Such fun. Oliver has is eye on a tabby girl up the street. xo S
Oh, you've decided to keep him! So pleased!
Will you give them lines?
Double trouble! What fun - for us!!!
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