Tuesday 6 April 2010

At your own risk, of course!

For those foolhardy brave folk who asked for a recipe.....

Send me your email and I'll happily send you details of how I make: 

cheese scones 

pear and ginger cake

and other things.

But perhaps not the

charcoal doorstop cake*. Now that requires real skill and artistry!

(*AKA quick test of every smoke alarm in the house)


Lucille said...

Now are you quite sure that it wasn't salvageable? I had to chisel away at a Christmas cake one year until I reached something cake coloured. Think stone masonry.

rachel said...

It was, actually! Underneath about half an inch of carbon there was a serviceable Blacksmith's Tealoaf.... That's the joy of home baking - most disasters can be salvaged if you don't fuss too much about the aesthetic!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I don't need a recipe for the last one , thanks . Though my speciality is Charcoal Potatoes .
These have an amazing power to scent your living quarters for hours .

rachel said...

Charcoal boiled eggs have to be the worst, though....

silfert said...

Ooooh! May I (slurp) please have (drool) the recipes (slobber)?

rachel said...

You may, of course, and with pleasure, but I NEED EMAIL ADDRESSES!! Otherwise I would have to do huge blog posts with recipes and tedious instructions. (Comments come as no-reply emails to me, so I can't respond unless you let your email address show. Can't remember how you do that, or where.....)

My email address is on the front page, under my picture - just email me and I can reply with recipe and tedious instructions......

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

I love cheese scones. My recipe is from a cookbook I have had for ages called Farmhouse Kitchen. Younger daughter was bouncing with delight when we found a copy at a local summer fair!

Von said...

Yep been there on the last one, bet it was good without the charcoal!Better luck next time!

Anonymous said...

Rachel - revisiting some of the comments on my blog from a while ago, I discovered your blog. How can I have missed it? I love it. I love the way you write. Makes me laugh out loud.

Can relate to the charcoal cake. We used to have a Rayburn, which didn't let out any smells or smoke from the oven - the usual reliable signs that something's burning. I often found smouldering remains of food in there days later - unrecognizable. I now have an ordinary oven - but I also use the ktichen timer a lot more!

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

gosh, it all looks so good... love the name of the doorstop cake...
...tooo funny....

and YES! you're right..the cats LOVE that box...

i should try getting a picture of Dandegirl inside it....

thanks for stopping by farmhouse...
and i love that header photo...

i have fiddled around making pins out of felt too....yours is adorable...love it


Lucille said...

On the subject of hard boiled eggs (and yes I think that was a robin) we once left a pan on all day and the eggs exploded and hit the ceiling. We've been finding the detritus for years.

Penny said...

I find Rosie has already had a Rayburn experience similar to mine. Mini Yorkshire puddings that have spent a week in the Rayburn look remarkably like Home Fire Ovals. Oh, and my charcoal boiled eggs exploded all over the kitchen ceiling and we were still picking bits off when we move two years later. Despite that, I'd love that Pear and Ginger Recipe, I will email you forthwith. Glad you are feeling better, Penny x

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