Thursday 8 April 2010

An unbirthday present

To me. From me. Today.

Nice, innit?


Lucille said...

Happy unbirthday. It reminds me of a Rob Ryan.

Fran Hill said...

This picture is such a close-up shot, it makes the mug look about ten feet tall. That's a LOT of tea.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Yes .
Succinct . To the point of baldness , that's me .

But yes , it's a lovely colour . And one should always include oneself in general goody-buying sprees .

mountainear said...

Gosh - is it your unbirthday already?

I'd like one too.

Barbee' said...

And, a happy unbirthday to us all, well, at least most of us. What a nice gift to give to the unbirthday girl.

Von said...

It is nice.The presents you buy yourself are sometimes the ones most gratefully received.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Very cute. Don't you love unbirthday presents?

judy in ky said...

Very cool. I think unbirthday gifts are the best kind.

Catherine said...

Sometimes the best presents we get are from ourselves! :)

Linda said...

And do you have a specific beverage in mind for this lovely gift to yourself?
In this house we have mugs for tea, mugs for coffee, mugs for builders (who would have been liquidised had they taken much longer!) and china mugs for guests!

Mac n' Janet said...

Happy unbirthday, an occasion I need to add to my list of celebrations.

Susan said...

ahhhh ... we think the decor motif on this new and beautiful new mug looks suspiciously like dogs - could this be ??? Oliver, BleetNess & Gus

Susan said...

ps. I have recently tried the Ceylon tea from the life time stash of tea which you so kindly sent to moi from NuT (Newcastle upon Tyne). I add a good quantity of milk, the tiniest bit of sugar and I like my tea quite strong. I found this tea to be quite delicious nd similar to my other favourite (thus far) the jolly ol' English Breakfast Tea. Happy Saturday to the team from les Gang.

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