Thursday 29 April 2010

Just a memory....

I'm glad I took a snapshot of these the other day. Humble supermarket tulips, last year's bulbs forgotten in their bucket over the harsh winter; only one lost. They deepened in colour as they opened fully.

Enter Tulipomaniac Cat again.

Tulips, and only tulips, are his passion.

He's in big trouble now.

And so is my fantasy of a future garden with swathes of lovely tulips.

Thinks.... "Swathes" sounds good......


Rattling On said...

What a convincing villain. I think it's the shift glance/eyebrow combo...

Catherine said...

Haha! This brings a smile to my face ~ naughty kitty! Gosh... you can't even get mad at that sweet ball of fur for wrecking your tulips! Oh well... perhaps you will have some tulips next year! :)

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Lynda (Granny K) said...


My yorkie used to bite the heads off Pinks - very embarrassing at a garden centre one time. :o)

Anonymous said...

Scooter looks so lovely, if not exactly innocent.

Could you make a bit of your future garden a Scooter-free zone?


Anonymous said...

Have just realised - it's the Victorian villain look. White tie and tail, about to twirl moustachios.


Linda said...

Rupert would like Scooter to know that it is not clever to chew plants - his speciality is to 'drape' fur balls over them from on high (windowsill), but chew, never! (Sorry if that's a bit yucky, but we're all cat lovers here, yes?)

Lucille said...

That is the slyest expression I have ever seen on a cat. Your Hamish is the spitting image of our dear departed Rogers.

judy in ky said...

Well, he does have good taste!

judy in ky said...

By the way, the banner photo is lovable.

Mac n' Janet said...

Each day my husband surprises me with flowers he's cut from the garden and each day my cat infuriates me by eating them.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Love that look on Scooter's face! Maybe you will have to put your tulips in hanging pots that he is unable to reach.
The picture of Hamish on your header is so sweet.

Val said...

What a glorious banner picture! Please leave it there for a while so we can enjoy it. As for the tulip eater that expression of smug, slightly evil, satisfaction is priceless.

Lesley said...

Love the banner restful

And as for Scooter's mania - how original!

Lesley x

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

I am very fond of cats but I might be fonder still of tulips! Those were beautiful. Scoundrel.

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