Thursday 10 December 2009


Heartbreaking, isn't it? I hope he hurries up and realises that he's come to a good home.


mountainear said...

Trying desperately to say something more constructive than 'what a lovely cat'. He's a very handsome boy - got something of a soft spot for a marmalade cat.

Hard to tell what he's thinking. Prawns? Sardines?

Shelagh said...

It won't take long. He'll be out and about before you know it and then look out! He looks to me as if he knows a good thing when he sees one. Love that little face!

BumbleVee said...

poor little James.... does look a bit must be tiring for him too.... all that adrenalin going in every direction....

soothing voices... how about a water bottle in his cage and a ticking clock (make damn sure you do not touch the alarm!!)...we used to do that with kittens sometimes.... it gave them some nice warmth and the ticking seemed to keep them calm...

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Actually he reminds me of Grommit when things look a bit dodgy .

Linda said...

I'm sure it will dawn on him soon - cats are such good observers that he's bound to see what fun the others have, and want to join in!

Anonymous said...

But if he'll let you get this close to photograph him, then there's hope. Has Scooter come to make friends yet?


cathleen said...

I could kiss that sweet little face over and over and over!

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