Thursday 17 December 2009

Small steps

Last night, as the dog and I were sitting quietly, the cats being occupied elsewhere, a small ginger cat crept out from behind the chair and started to play with the numerous toys scattered about.

This morning, with some preliminary winding-up by me wielding the fur on a stick, both James and Scooter were forced to set aside their suspicion, anxiety, hostility and fearfulness in order to catch that thing! There were darts and dashes, scamperings and little pounces, and only the occasional hiss or growl from Mr Conflicted. James preferred to play under the chairs, but he chirruped invitingly to Scooter throughout, and only retired when Millie stalked in to give her (forceful) opinion.

Most of my pictures were too blurred to show - those boys are fast! - but some things are evident:

  • that armchair is in a terrible state. Lottie lies on her back and scratches it to attract my attention. Works every time.
  • the scrap of fur is the best toy of all, especially with a compliant human on the less interesting end of the stick
  • James isn't as scared as he appears
  • and I've turned into a total cat bore. Oh well, so what's new...


Charlotte said...

I love James, he's too cute! Loved having a stroke of Scooter Lad yesterday. I'm sure they'll end up great friends after a few scraps x

Anonymous said...

Small steps indeed, but it looks like they're headed in the right direction! James is adorable, as all ginger cats are bound to be...

Anonymous said...

You're not a cat bore - it's entirely natural! Looks like you're all making progress. What a relief all round - especially for your blog followers.

If you've a minute, have a look at this on YouTube:

It's a animated film of a cat being a cat. Everyone who knows and loves them will feel an affinity. When it finishes you'll see there are several other short films by the same maker. They're acute observations of feline behaviour. The films are called 'Simon's Cat', if the link above doesn't work.

It's snowing in Suffolk ... I've one unhappy moggie with crossed paws who really needs to go outside ... no hope.


Val said...

Never a bore. I find this story enthralling and I keep checking up to find out what's happening with James and Scooter.

Pam said...

Much better than reading about wars, collapsing firms and expensive bell towers.

Sitting quietly in the sitting room, eh? Do I get to do that when I retire? Please, please?

BumbleVee said...

are you kidding? one thing you will never be is boring.... hahhahah......or bored either for that matter....

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