Possession of a scrap of fur on a stick is included in this maxim.
It moves! It creeps up and down the scratching post.
It's utterly entrancing. And desirable.
It's mine!!! says Scooter.
"Perhaps not!" thinks James.
"Fight you for it, sissy ginger lodger!"
I'll be magnanimous . It's not your fault I'd just taken a large swig of tea when I read your title ....
Any hilarity was quelled by Scooter's expression .....Awww !
Then I read the word verification ...hewommic .
Did you make that one up yourself ?
Next time around, I want to be a pandered to, hot water bottled, played with, fed with titbits, thoroughly indulged cat in your house!
Very soon, James will cotton on to the fact that he has landed in a very fine place indeed. Lucky little boy!
I'm loving these cat updates. I'm sure peace will break out soon - thankfully missing the hostilities stage. Who wants a hissy Christmas?
I just love the pictures of your precious kitties and I look forward to updates on their doings. I agree with Linda - I want to come back as a cat at your house.
yaaaaay ...one for my little James....... sorry, can't help it....
I love the cat antics! They are just so cute.
LOVE, love, love - all of it !
xo Les Nova Scotia chats - BleetNess (fat black velvet Chicelet), Oliver (tres handsome beau of Miss Millie with the Black Nose) and Gussie Gus (world's most aloof cat).
Progress at last. I'm so happy and hopefully the season of peace and goodwill to all (including cats) will kick in soon
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