Thursday 10 December 2009

No, not Jack

I can't do it. He's not a Jack. I had the most wonderful half-wild black kitten who was called Jack, and who grew up to be a fierce hunter, ferociously affectionate, hugely independent, and was a complete gentleman in black dinner jacket and white bib and bow tie. A macho version of Scooter. Friends and the Lovely Son who knew and loved him have protested, rightly, that ginger and Jack just don't go together.

So it's James. Jim, perhaps, on weekdays.

Why all the fussing? Names are important. I'm trying to keep it short, and fairly close to the name he was given by his foster carer - I'm not saying what it was, in case you have a dog or a cat with that name, and take offence - and I hope that Charlotte and the Handsome Young Policeman will take it as a compliment that my new boy is named after him.

James, meantime, trashed his cage in the night, clearly not wanting to be locked in. He's sitting behind the chair again now, allowing himself to be stroked, and purring loudly, crying piteously if I go out of the room, but resolute in his refusal to budge. The others are pointedly living upstairs. Early days are never easy, but we live in hope.

Photos to follow if I manage to take any that aren't identical to yesterday's.


Charlotte said...

I'm sure HYP won't mind at all x

Amy McPherson Sirk said...

Sometimes we rename the kitties we adopt. Sometimes they come to us with names that just don't fit. Half wild, huh? Maybe a name from Celtic mythology?

Kate on Clinton said...

You're doing the right thing- you have to get the name right for them and for you. Our ASPCA-named wards had long "o" sounds, too much like No. It took a few days, but then they practically named themselves.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

What an adorable kitty! He does look more like a James that a Jack, although I don't think he cares one way or the other.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Gentleman Jim ?
You'll know he's totally one of the gang when he decamps upstairs with Those That Belong , when the next kitten appears .

BumbleVee said...

awww.. he just needs to feel safe at first.... it is right to keep the others away for a bit .... sounds like he will be more cuddly than Scooter if he is looking for a little affection already....

Pam said...

Well... my dad was called James or more often Jim and he didn't look at all like that. Not ginger, and he very seldom hid behind chairs. In fact, he really wasn't that cute (sorry, Dad) though he had other good points.

My verification word is mankisme, which sounds a bit racy!

_lethe_ said...

James is lovely and his name really suits him.

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