The family (British, not Aussies, returning from Melbourne after a change of heart) who had expressed an interest in looking at my house may have fallen by the wayside. They took my number but didn't ring as agreed to arrange a visit, then, to my alarm, they popped by, "on spec" they said.
But I had a visitor, and was on the verge of going out with her at any moment to plant her birthday presents for her in her garden, she having a badly-sprained ankle that meant digging was out of the question. Could they come back tomorrow, I asked? They'd see. I then had to face a certain amount of questioning by said visitor, to whom I had mentioned none of this, and ended up feeling thoroughly wrong-footed all round. Serves me right for being secretive and sometimes incapable of spontaneous action!
And they didn't come back tomorrow, or any other day. I suspect they picked up my obvious unreadiness - not to have my house viewed, necessarily, although I can't imagine how anyone feels fully ready for such an ordeal - but to move sooner than planned, perhaps because I kept saying "It's not ready yet. I have work to finish." as was apparent by the continuing presence of roofers' catwalks on my slates. And they had said from the start that they were desperately looking for a house. Desperate meets unready - not a happy combination.
I met father and children playing outside a couple of days later, and while we exchanged pleasantries, nothing was mentioned about houses.
I feel somewhat relieved. This is such a major life change I'm planning, and I want it to proceed at my pace if possible, not driven by anyone else's pressure of time. And I want my home to look its best, showing that it has been cared for, when I say goodbye to it. So, the original plan remains in place, to plod calmly through my list of jobs, using autumn and winter to get the remaining rooms painted, then to have the house valued, and on to the complex processes that follow. Some of you may uncross your fingers now, but thank you anyway.
You have to know where you want to go, and be excited about it, before you will be ready to let go of this house.
It will happen when the time is right!
That's what I think too. I might stir my stumps and go exploring this autumn....
Hopefully if you wait a little bit then the housing market might pick up a bit too x
Oh, that was fairly unreasonable, to pop by on spec. Most of us would rather have time to plump the cushions before strangers view the house, never mind get the roof mended and a beautiful stained glass window installed!
They gave you a wee nudge then. You're awake. When you've finished flexing your muscles you might move. Perhaps. One day. When you're ready.
No call and then just pop round to look at a house??! Hmmm I'm wondering if it's perhaps their own organisational skills which have left them without a house?
The stained glass is looking good. Still lost in admiration for such an endeavour!
Lesley x
Take your time. Let your plans evolve at your pace, as you say "its not ready yet" They wont be the only interested family.
Much easier to type now that fingers are uncrossed. This sale was obviously not meant to be. And ill timed to boot. You're wise to stick to your own plan and accomplish what you want on your own time. And then off you go with a sense of pride and a light heart!!
people just showing up don't cut it with me.... I would tell them I'm busy and have other and we can arrange something on another day when my schedule permits.
One of the many joys of blogging is the willingness of others to be outraged on one's behalf; it's so comforting!
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