Tuesday 29 September 2009

new toys r us

Take an old plastic shopper from Ikea, a floppy plush bear reduced to £3 in Sainsbury's, two young cats, and turn a wet afternoon into a glorious, fast-moving and rumbustious play session. Too fast-moving for me - blurry pictures unavoidable.

Tired now. Kitten and bear need to sleep.


Susan said...

adorable I'm so happy they're friends. I love the sound of my twp Gus & Oliver tearing around this old house. xo les Gang

Charlotte said...

He needs to stay, look how much fun he's having! I bet the people who want him wouldn't buy him big teddies like that and they won't have a Millie cat! x

Anonymous said...

Wonderful - looking forward to what happens today. My pup has just had a half hour tussle game with an empty paper garden waste sack, but I didn't have my camera...

Susan said...

hey you laughing like a drain (???) and you're suggesting a month is not a sensible deadline ??? wink. you know me so well.

I considered originally Nov 15th tee hee

Liz said...

That must have been some play session 'cos that bear looks shattered.

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