Lesley and I walked through the Dene yesterday, and from nowhere, a wasp got into the tiny underarm hole in her top (a stitch in time might have saved the day, Lesley!) and stung her. While she flapped and squeaked, I had a look, and the wasp went up my sleeve, but fell out again while I had a turn at flapping and squeaking. The dog is usually the one to be stung, but she escaped unjabbed, so no flapping, squeaking or, more alarmingly, collapsing momentarily, from her.
Today I was letting myself in at Suzy's door to feed Big Fat Hattie, and a wasp clung to my arm and stung me through my (unholey) t-shirt. And we are soppy animal-lover types who wouldn't harm a fly. So unfair!
Anyone else been stung recently?
Sorry to scare you, but a man died near here a few weeks ago after wasp stings.
A retired man, he was walking down a country lane with a friend and a dog. Somehow they managed to disturb a nest. Both men were stung, but one collapsed and died.
I then read of a teacher who was standing at her kitchen sink, washing up. She was stung, collapsed and also died.
I suppose that having been stung, at least you can be fairly sure that you are not fatally allergic!
About two months ago my cat was stung by a wasp. The wasp had got into the house and she batted at it with her paw. She let out a shriek and hid under the dining room table for a while. I was afraid for her, not knowing how it would affect her. But she was fine, thank goodness.
Yes, got stung a few weeks ago while in the loft(no provocation offered).I had an impressive hand-sized allergic reaction for a day or two.
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