Millie makes me run; up and down, up and down. Faster! she says. Faster! Fair takes it out of a kitten. I need a morning off now.Zzzzzzzzzzz...
So tired..... only little legs.....
Maybe the human will write a note excusing me from games for a bit.Let me in. I'm escaping from that kitten. He makes me run about too much.

Maybe I could get a note from the human excusing me from games for a bit....


Such sweet cats. Your Lottie looks a lot like my Katie... all furry and fluffy!
So very sweet. lots to smile about over here. Merci les Chats of SLLife.
the boy's getting bigger by the hour! what are you feeding him?
what fun....I could hardly wait to see if you posted some more pics....I'm living with cats vicariously... between you and susan.... sigh...I'm satisfied and the furniture and "stuff" stays intact...thanks V....
...ditto to BumbleVee's statement, but I do miss the purring!
Oh I LOVE it when cats sleep together like that. None of mine do now but we used to have one that slept with her 'uncle' all of a heap, we still have her uncle - Try, but sadly Tessa was run over.
But these are just adorable and everyone seems to be getting on so well. So quickly.
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